Number: INST 030
Effective: December 1, 2016
Last Reviewed: August 1, 2021
Department: Instruction
Last Revision: August 1, 2021


To outline the terms of employment, rights and privileges for adjunct faculty.


Applies to part-time non-benefited faculty


Adjunct Faculty provide essential services to CWI and its students. This policy seeks to ensure that the employment of Adjunct Faculty is uniform and compliant with state and federal laws.



Adjunct Faculty Workload

Adjunct Faculty workload assignments must meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • Workload hours, per ACA regulations, must not exceed an average of 30 hours per week during the defined lookback period.
  • Contact (instructional) hours in combination with other part-time, non-benefit-eligible employment with CWI must not exceed an average of 19.5 hours per week during any five-month rolling period.
  • Credit hours may not exceed: 10 credits in Spring; 6 credits in Summer; 12 credits in Fall.

Non-Teaching Workload 

CWI recognizes the value of the adjunct perspective and may make certain institutional engagement opportunities available to adjunct faculty.  These assignments are made when Fulltime Faculty are unable to meet institutional needs either due to availability or lack of applicable content knowledge.

Adjunct Salaries

The salary for Adjunct Faculty is based on a standard credit/contract rate per unit, or at a fixed rate per student determined by the number of students in a class. Two levels of pay exist for adjunct faculty based on time at CWI, performance review, and review of application for advancement.

Appointment And Supervision 

  • Adjunct Faculty must be approved, first, by the appropriate supervisor.
  • Adjunct Faculty must provide a vitae outlining their academic credentials and an official transcript for credential verification; additional credential verification may be required for some programs.
  • Adjunct Faculty candidates are then reviewed by Human Resources to ensure:
    1. The Adjunct Faculty member is eligible for employment
    2. The total workload assignment will not put the Adjunct Faculty member at or over 75% full-time in aggregate for the semester, as outlined above.
  1. The Adjunct Faculty member is eligible for employment
  2. The teaching assignment will not put the Adjunct Faculty member at or over 75% full-time in aggregate for the semester, as outlined above.

Letters of Teaching Appointment (LTA)

  1. The terms of employment for an Adjunct Faculty member are detailed in an LTA.
  2. Adjunct Faculty shall disclose all CWI appointments to the hiring department prior to accepting a teaching appointment.
  3. The term of the LTA will be one semester. Continuous appointments are not guaranteed.

The specific responsibility for the administration and supervision of Adjunct Faculty shall reside with the department chair, or in special cases, with the dean. These responsibilities include supervisory duties such as performance management, review of tiered pay advancement, and respective evaluations.

Grant-Funded Projects

Compensation for grant related projects is only allowed when: 

  • The prior approval of the CWI Grant office is obtained
  • It is specifically provided for in the award document or provided in writing by the Program Manager of the sponsoring agency 
  • Time and Effort reporting is provided as required 


  • Adjunct faculty’s high level of commitment to students and assigned duties will help maintain the reputation of CWI. Adjunct faculty demonstrate this commitment by being concerned for each student and his/her progress; being prepared for each class; being prompt to class; using the full instructional period; communicating problems, concerns, and successes to department supervisors; and responding to communications and suggestions from supervisors.
  • Adjunct Faculty are responsible for compliance with the terms, conditions, and duties specified in the LTA. Failure to perform any of the specified duties and responsibilities may result in a corrective performance plan, removal from teaching assignment, or termination.
  • Adjunct Faculty shall teach the curriculum for the course as defined by the department and curriculum committee documents.

Rights And Privileges

Adjunct Faculty receive the following rights and privileges during the period of the appointment:

  • A photo identification card showing the faculty/staff status shall be issued.
  • Access to such classroom facilities, laboratory facilities, equipment, Library, Academic Technologies, and IT services necessary to accomplish the specified duties will be provided. This includes:
  1. Access to information and library systems and access to facilities during the employment period.
  2. Access to a CWI email account, Blackboard, and myCWI during months between adjunct teaching assignments as well as during their teaching assignments. Adjunct Faculty must access at least one of these accounts at least once per month to maintain this access. IT access to all CWI accounts will be discontinued for Adjunct Faculty who experience a lapse of 26 continuous weeks without a teaching appointment.
  3. Access to IT systems can be terminated at the request of the hiring department chair, Dean, or Provost if the Adjunct Faculty member is dismissed or suspended prior to the end of the appointment term.
  • The right to advance in tiered pay.
  • The right to apply for Professional Development support.
  • Participation on CWI committees and have representation in the Faculty Senate.
  • Access to professional development opportunities through CWI’s Center for Teaching and Learning.
  • Participation in the faculty commencement procession.

Benefits And Leave 

Adjunct Faculty are not eligible for benefits and do not accrue vacation or sick leave.

ADMIN 040 - Federal, State & Local Government Grants Policy
Special Projects Form
Time and Effort Form
Grant Management Manual
Professional Development Form
CTE Professional Development Form
School Faculty Expectations Documents
Faculty Handbook