Dual Credit

Jump start your education, explore your interests, save time and money, and discover what College of Western Idaho (CWI) has to offer by taking college-level, dual credit classes in high school. 

Dual credit students in a computer lab classroom

What is Dual Credit?

Dual credit classes through CWI are offered in a wide variety of academic and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. Choose to take classes on campus or online at CWI, at your high school, or through Idaho Digital Learning Alliance.

 What is Dual Credit?

Registration & Important Dates

Visit Dual Credit Registration for information, important dates, and steps to register. 

Registration & Important Dates

dual credit student
students exiting a campus building wearing backpacks

Advising & Student Resources

Want to learn more about dual credit opportunities at CWI or seeking assistance with registration, graduation, or continuing your education? Our team of coordinators and advisors can help!

Advising & Student Resources

Counselor Handbook

Learn everything you need to know about dual credit opportunities and processes at CWI including registration, student expectations, campus resources, scholarship opportunities, and more to best help your students. 

Counselor Handbook

Teacher Resources

Explore information and resources for teaching dual credit in high school including steps to becoming a dual credit teacher, advising tips, course equivalencies, and curriculum alignment. 

Teacher Resources

Contact Us

Photo of Stephen Crumrine
Stephen CrumrineExecutive Director, Dual CreditPhone: 208.562.3371Email: stephencrumrine@cwi.edu
Photo of Shannon Pape
Shannon PapeAnalyst, Dual CreditPhone: 208.562.3371Email: shannonpape@cwi.edu
Photo of Randi Smith
Randi SmithSr. Coordinator, Dual CreditPhone: 208.562.3149Email: randismith@cwi.edu
Photo of Jake Drexler
Jake DrexlerCoordinator, Dual CreditPhone: 208.562.3072Email: jakedrexler@cwi.edu
Photo of Talon Smith
Talon SmithAdvisor, Dual CreditPhone: 208.562.2252Email: talonsmith@cwi.edu
Photo of Emily Thomas
Emily ThomasAdvisor, Dual CreditPhone: 208.562.3176Email: emilythomas@cwi.edu
Photo of Oster Hernandez
Oster HernandezSr. Transition CoordinatorPhone: 208.562.2355Email: osterhernandez@cwi.edu
Photo of Jessica Concie
Jessica ConcieCoordinator, TransitionPhone: 208.562.3151Email: jessicaconcie@cwi.edu
Photo of Kris Monroe
Kris MonroeDual Credit Business CoordinatorPhone: 208.562.3410Email: krismonroe@cwi.edu