Student Consumer Information
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Institutions participating in federal financial aid programs are required to provide enrolled and potential students and current and prospective employees available consumer information. The information provided on this page fulfills College of Western Idaho's (CWI) compliance with disclosure requirements under the 1998 Amendments to the Higher Education Act of 1965 to annually disclose where information for students may be found.
To request and receive student consumer information in writing, contact:
College of Western Idaho
One Stop Student Services, MS 3000
P.O. Box 3010
Nampa, ID 83653
General Information
Subject Links Privacy of Student Records – Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) Student Records Services for Students with Disabilities Student Disability Services
Title IXCost of Attendance Tuition & Fees
Cost of AttendanceNet Price Calculator Net Price Calculator Refund Policy, Requirements for Withdrawal, & Return of Federal Financial Aid Refunds
Drops & Withdrawals
Return of Title IX FundsTextbooks & Course Materials Educational Programs Programs & Degrees
Academic CatalogInstructional Facilities Locations Faculty Directory Transfer of Credit Policies & Articulation Agreements Transferring from CWI
Transfer and ArticulationAccreditation, Approval, & Licensure of Institution and Programs Accreditation Copyright Infringement – Policies & Sanctions Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Computer Use & File Sharing Campus Tech Support
Peer-to-Peer File SharingStudent Life Campus Life Career & Job Placement Services Work-Based Learning Center Blackboard Refunding Contract Refunds Constitution Day & Voter Information Constitution Day & Voting -
Health and Safety
Subject Links Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program Policies & Procedures
Student Handbook
Standards of Conduct
Title IXTobacco-Free Campus Campus Security Policies, Crime Statistics, & Crime Log Campus Safety & Security
Campus & Security Reports
CWI Emergency Handbook
Title IXVaccination Policies Nursing Student Handbook
Healthcare & Emergency Medical Services -
This statement addresses the U.S. Department Regulatory Citation: 34 CFR § 668.71 through 668.75, Federal Register Pages: 66913, 66958-66960 regarding the Prohibition of Misrepresentation to Students and Others at CWI.
CWI strives to provide accurate, honest, and clear information in print, online, broadcast media, or oral presentations. The College will make every effort to avoid misrepresentation to students and others in communications made in writing, visually, orally, or through other means. Training of employees and monitoring communication is a key component of this procedure.
The current regulations provide numerous examples of topics that cannot be misrepresented within each of the four areas covered by statute 20 USC § 1094(c)(3). Those four areas include:
- the nature of the institution’s educational programs
- the institution’s financial charges
- employability of the institution’s graduates
- Employment data and salary wage information may be found in the Idaho Department of Labor's Occupational Outlook Employment & Wages survey.
- relationship with the Department of Education
- A Title IV eligible school may not describe its participation in a way that suggests approval or endorsement by the Department of Education of the quality of its educational programs.
Contact One Stop Student Services with questions or concerns related to misrepresentation.
Student Appeals Through NC-SARA
NC-SARA Information for CWI Programs
State Authorization & Regulatory Compliance
The State of Idaho is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), and CWI is one of the approved SARA institutions in Idaho. As such, the College adheres to an established common set of standards for offering post-secondary, distance education among member states, districts, and territories. Participation in SARA is intended to make it easier for students to take online courses offered by postsecondary institutions based in another state.
While CWI monitors the laws in each state and strives to keep you apprised of relevant changes that may affect you, the authorization of distance education and licensure requirements are determined by each state and may change frequently. If you are pursuing education, particularly toward licensure, through CWI while in another state, you are strongly advised to check with the relevant state regulators and/or licensing body as it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure you meet the requirements for licensure or certification in the state or locality you plan to work in. For additional information on professional licensure, visit NC-SARA Professional Licensure.
For questions about the student complaint process for online and distance education classes or programs at CWI, please contact:
- Chad Trisler, Dean of Students
- Tyler Brown, Assistant Vice President of Enrollment & Student Success.
Additional information about filing an institutional appeal is available below, or you may use the General Complaint Form.
Mailing Address:
College of Western Idaho
MS 2020
P.O. Box 3010
Nampa, ID 83653Institutional Appeals
CWI strives to provide the highest quality educational opportunities available. However, if a conflict does arise, our efforts are meant to resolve your grievances, complaints, and concerns in an expeditious, fair, and amicable manner.
Appeals to the Institution
Students with concerns, complaints, and/or petitions have access to processes to resolve their concern(s). The College encourages informal resolution as a first step, working with faculty, programs, colleges, and similar structures, depending on the nature of the concern. Academic appeals are heard by the Academic Integrity Board or the Academic Records Board, as described in the Student Appeals section of the Academic Catalog.
Most appeal processes require a form to initiate the appeal process. Contact your advisor or One Stop Student Services for assistance identifying the correct student form for your situation.
Additional appeal processes:
- Academic Records Appeal – to drop or withdrawal from classes or request a refund or reduction in fees based on unexpected or extenuating circumstances
- Academic Misconduct Appeal – for academic misconduct or academic integrity hearings, used after meeting with the instructor and Department Chair without resolution
- Behavioral Misconduct Appeal – for hearings conducted through student affairs addressing non-academic misconduct
- Grade Appeal – to appeal a grade which may have be issued incorrectly or inappropriately, used after meeting with the instructor and Department Chair without resolution
- Satisfactory Academic Process – to appeal loss of financial aid due to academic progress
- Sexual Harassment Grievance Process – to file a grievance regarding Sexual Harassment or rights protected under Title IX
- Workforce Development Appeal Process – Refund/Cancelation/Appeal Process
- General Grievance Process – to file a grievance or appeal not addressed above
- Ethics Hotline – to report fraud, waste, or other unethical behavior; form may be submitted anonymously
Appeals at the State Level
The SARA program requires that a student must first attempt to resolve any disputes at the member school level before filing a state-level appeal. All relevant CWI appeal processes must be completed prior to appealing to the Idaho State Board of Education. If you have not attempted to resolve the situation through CWI, see the section above. Be aware, there may only be one or several appeal options to resolve your concern. If you are uncertain which appeals may apply to you, please contact your advisor, One Stop Student Services, or the Dean of Students for assistance in determining the appropriate avenues for appeal.
If you have exhausted your appeal options at CWI and are still unsatisfied with the outcome of your dispute, you may may choose to file an appeal at the state level.
- If you are a CWI student who is completing coursework from another state, you will utilize the Idaho State Board of Education Complaint Procedures.
- If you are student living in Idaho completing coursework at an institution in another state, contact the state office where the institution is located for complaint procedures.
- If you are a CWI student who lives in Idaho, you are not covered under SARA and can not appeal using this process.
- If you are taking courses at an institution located in California, you will need to file an appeal through the California Department of Consumer Affairs, as California is not a SARA participant.
Student Diversity
In accordance with the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965, as amended, CWI must make available to current and prospective students information about student body diversity.
The data below shows the Fall 2022 undergraduate student headcount, as reported to IPEDS in the latest Fall Enrollment Survey, and the percentage of those students that enrolled with a full-time credit load for that term. An undergraduate student is any student enrolled for college credit at the institution, including high school students enrolled in dual credit through CWI. This excludes Workforce Development and Adult Education students.
Fall 2022 Undergraduate Students by Gender
Undergraduate Student Count
Percentage w/ Full-Time Credit Load
Male 4,342 27%
Female 5,576
Total 9,918
Source: CWI’s 2022-2023 IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey
Fall 2022 Undergraduate Students by Race/Ethnicity
Race/Ethnicity Description Undergraduate Student Count Percentage w/ Full-Time Credit Load American Indian or Alaska Native 81 27% Asian 169 33% Black or African American 194 30% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 28 43% Hispanic/Latino 1,810 24% U.S. Nonresident 91 22% Two or More Races 292 18% Race and Ethnicity Unknown 498 16% White 6,755 23% Total 9,918 23% Source: CWI’s 2022-2023 IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey
The data below shows the Fall 2021 undergraduate student headcount and the percentage of those students that received Pell Grant funding, as reported to IPEDS in the latest Student Financial Aid Survey.
Fall 2021 Undergraduate Students With Federal Pell Grant Funding
Student Category
Undergraduate Student Count
Percentage of Students Who Received Pell Grant Funding
First-Time, Full-Time Degree-Seeking Undergraduates 805 43%
All Other Undergraduates 9,598
Total 10,403
Source: CWI’s 2022-2023 IPEDS Student Financial Aid Survey
Student Financial Assistance
Subject Links Contact Information for Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information Cost & Aid Student Financial Aid Information Financial Aid Terms & Conditions
What determines my eligibility for Financial Aid?
Work Study Jobs
Student Disability ServicesFederal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations Student Handbook
Standards of Conduct
CWI Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention ProgramStudent Loan Information Student & Parent Loans Entrance Loan Counseling for Student Borrowers Student & Parent Loans
Get Ready for Student Loan PaymentsExit Counseling for Student Borrowers Student & Parent Loans
Get Ready for Student Loan PaymentsInstitutional Code of Conduct for Education Loans NASFAA Federal Code of Conduct Disbursement for Books & Supplies Refunds -
Student Outcomes
Subject Links/Data Retention Rates, Graduation Rates, and Transfer-Out Rates
(Student Right-to-Know Act)Positive Placement Rate for All Programs1 97% Positive Placement Rate for CTE Programs2 94%