Talon Smith

Photo of Talon Smith
Advisor, Dual Credit
Advising Specialty: Dual Credit (last names H – O)

Talon is in his third year in the Treasure Valley after moving from Oregon where he grew up studying music. Talon has received a BA in Music from the Oregon Center for the Arts (’15), and a MM in Music Performance from the University of Oregon (’17) before moving to the Treasure Valley to serve as the Interim Second Trombone of the Boise Philharmonic. By joining the One Stop team at the Micron Center, Talon hopes to utilize his experience as a student and professional to help the students of CWI navigate through their academic and technical experience. In his free time Talon enjoys playing guitar, learning new languages, and spoiling his three black cats Faust, Fafner, and Frankie.

B.A. Music - Oregon Center fo the Arts
MM Music Performance - University of Oregon

Service Area:
One Stop Student Services