Public Records Request

Requests for information fall in two categories: general information request or public records request.

General Information:

If you are seeking general information regarding an educational program or other services offered by CWI, please use the Contact Us form that is sent directly to our One Stop Student Services team.

Looking for Transcripts?

Order your official CWI college transcript:  Official Transcript Orders  
Order your GED transcript: GED Transcript Orders 

Public Records Request:

As an Idaho public institution of higher education, College of Western Idaho follows the provisions of the Idaho Public Records law, granting individuals the right to examine any public records maintained by the institution, except for those records which are statutorily exempt.  A public record includes, but is not limited to, any writing containing information relating to the conduct of administration of the public’s business prepared, owned, used or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristic.

To submit a Public Records Request please complete the form below, being as specific as possible in order for us to respond as quickly and completely to your request, as we are able. 

Public Records Request Form

Payment for Public Record: Generally, there is no cost to process a public records request for a requesting party. However, CWI may charge a requesting party for certain costs as outlined below. For large or voluminous requests, advance payment of fees may be required. (1) Mailing Charge: CWI is permitted to charge for the actual cost of faxing or mailing copies of requested records to a requesting party. (2) Copying and Labor Charges: CWI is permitted to charge for the actual copying costs and labor costs required to complete a public records request. There is no charge to copy the first 100 pages of a request or for the initial two hours of labor to complete a request. (3) Redaction: If a request requires redactions to be made by a CWI attorney the rate charged shall be $50 per hour to process the request. CWI statement of fees and requests for prepayments shall be itemized to show the per page costs for copies, and hourly rates of employees and attorneys involved in responding to the request, and the actual time spent on the public records request. Timeline for Response: According to Idaho Code 74-103(1), CWI has three (3) working days from receipt of the public records request to grant or deny a request. Working days do not include weekends or days when CWI is officially closed. If it is determined that more than the initial three (3) working days is needed, the College will advise you as soon as possible and will also inform you of any required prepayment of fees before a request can be completed.