INST 160 - Overloads - Exceptional Teaching Assignments
To address exceptional teaching assignments (overloads) for exempt full-time employees.
Applies to all CWI full-time status employees applying for part-time teaching assignments in Instruction.
Overload: A credit course teaching assignment provided to exempt, full-time CWI employees outside of their regular work assignments on an exceptional basis.
Primary Supervisor: The supervisor of the exempt, full-time position.
Subject to approval by the Instructional Dean responsible for the discipline in consultation with the Provost, supplemental pay for teaching overload may be offered in limited and restricted situations of special institution need, with each case approved on an individual basis. Teaching is normally performed by faculty as part of their regular duties; however, faculty still may be eligible for supplemental pay for teaching overloads. All overload is considered additional responsibility, regardless of the employee’s primary position classification (faculty or staff). Supplemental pay for teaching overload should not occur on an ongoing basis.
- The employee’s Primary Supervisor is responsible for assigning workload and responsibilities related to their primary position.
- It is the employee’s responsibility to notify their primary supervisor prior to their acceptance of additional work beyond their regular workload.
- Employees must have prior approval from their primary supervisor to accept teaching assignments that conflict with their regular duties that fall within their regular business hours.
- Employees who have received a Letter of Corrective Action are not eligible to accept additional teaching assignments until corrected behavior and sustained performance have been documented for a period of twelve (12) months from the issuance of the corrective action.
- When Overload assignments are necessary, full-time exempt employees with relevant qualifications, regardless of primary position, will be allowed to accept teaching assignments of up to:
- 6 contact hours in Fall
- 6 contact hours in Spring
- 6 contact hours in Summer (employees who are not under contract or not carrying regular work hours with the College during summer session may teach up to 9 contact hours.)
- The total amount of approved Supplemental Pay, including Overloads, shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of Faculty Effort above and beyond Regular Duties (see HR 340 Full-time Faculty Compensation Policy).
- Pro-rated sections count as unique teaching assignments unless offered under the common course numbers of 293 or 296 or with the designation of an I in the section number to represent an independent study course.
- Overloads assigned to exempt full-time employees are compensated at the current adjunct pay rate by contract hour. Overloads may be prorated if enrollment targets are not met.
- The Provost will provide a report of additional teaching assignments to President’s Cabinet for the Fall and Spring Semesters.
Instruction Policies
- INST 010 - Academic Freedom
- INST 020 - Academic Standards
- INST 030 - Adjunct Faculty
- INST 040 - Articulation With Transfer Institutions And High Schools
- INST 050 - Associate Of Arts And Associate Of Science Degrees And General Education Program
- INST 060 - Career And Technical Education Certificates And Degrees
- INST 070 - Credit Hour
- INST 080 - Faculty Submission Of Grades
- INST 090 - Graduation Requirements
- INST 100 - Joint Faculty Appointments
- INST 110 - Library Services
- INST 120 - Special Course Fee Opt Out
- INST 130 - Substitute Coverage And Pay
- INST 140 - Registration with Course Requisites
- INST 150 - Protection of Human Subjects
- INST 160 - Overloads - Exceptional Teaching Assignments
- INST 190 - Prior Learning Assessment