To provide guidelines for the development, administration, and management of CWI Contracts.
Administration, Business, & Finance Policies
To establish policy for departments and individuals receiving cash, checks, credit cards or other forms of tender at CWI.
To facilitate CWI’s commitment to oversight, strong internal controls and clear fiscal procedures in its business functions by providing guidance regarding CWI’s expectations of its employees in the conduct of CWI’s business.
CWI may finance facilities and equipment through the issuance of governmental bonds, qualified 501(c)(3) tax‐ exempt bonds, and certain taxable bonds that are subject to tax‐exempt bond laws and regulations. The purpose of this policy is to facilitate compliance with applicable federal law and...
To establish authority, responsibility, and defined processes for sponsored programs to maximize benefits of the programs and to assist faculty, staff, and administrators to secure funding and management of sponsored projects in compliance with federal and state law and regulations and college...
To provide a framework for consistency, structure and guidance for CWI’s general business operations by establishing guidelines for the administration of accounts payable.
To provide guidelines for travel within the United States on CWI business.
To establish guidelines for CWI meetings and events including the provision of meals, refreshments and entertainment.
To establish guidelines regarding the giving of gifts, awards, and the creation of incentive programs for CWI.
To establish and define the authority for, objectives of, limitations applicable to, and reporting and review requirements for CWI’s investment program.
To establish a course or principle of action for CWI’s procurement of goods and services. If you have purchases to be made with federal funds, contact the Grants Group.
To establish processes, appropriate standards, authorization requirements and internal controls to ensure that CWI’s fixed assets are acquired, safeguarded, monitored, disposed of, and accounted for in accordance with College policy, state and federal laws and generally accepted accounting...
This policy establishes a framework for the use of debt instruments to finance capital and infrastructure initiatives at the College of Western Idaho (“CWI” or “College”), states the principles and processes that will be utilized, and
assigns responsibilities for the approval,...
To provide policy for the establishment, use and maintenance of change funds and petty cash funds at CWI.
To delineate the requirements for annual independent audits of any and all CWI records and activities to ensure appropriate oversight and compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements and CWI policies.
This policy provides for oversight and responsible stewardship of the resources of the College.
This policy provides guidelines for properly engaging independent contractors pursuant to the classification requirements provided by the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Department of Labor.
This policy provides guidelines for the proper use of CWI’s Purchasing Card Program (“P-Card Program”).
To establish guidelines for the purchase and use of uniforms or logo CWI apparel for employees
To establish guidelines for CWI’s procurement of public works construction.