Clubs can promote their activities through various media, including printed materials like posters and handouts. Different approval processes apply to each type.


Posters are large printed materials designed to be visually appealing and informative, used to promote events or activities in designated posting areas. Individuals cannot post their own posters and must follow the posting request process, regardless of affiliation with a club.

Poster Approval Process:

  1. Submission: Submit your poster design electronically (.pdf, .jpeg, or .png) to by Thursday at 8:00 a.m. for posting the following Friday. Include:

    • Requested print size (8.5" x 11" or 11" x 17")
    • Desired CWI posting locations
    • A blank white box (2" wide x 1" tall) in the bottom right corner for approval stamping.
  2. Approval: Student Affairs reviews, approves, stamps, and posts all posters.

  3. Late Submissions: Posters submitted after the deadline will be posted the following Friday.

  4. Unauthorized Posting: Posters without approval will be removed, and repeated violations may lead to sanctions.

  5. College Branding: Use of the college logo or brand requires prior approval from CWI Marketing & Communications. Contact at least 30 business days in advance for approval.


Handouts are informational documents (brochures, flyers, leaflets, cards) distributed directly to individuals.

Handout Printing:

  • For printing by Student Engagement, submit your design electronically (.pdf, .jpeg, or .png) to at least three business days in advance. Specify the desired quantity and print size.
  • Clubs can use the paper cutter in Willow C for self-printing.
  • Handouts must be given directly to people and not left unattended on surfaces.

General Guidelines:

  • Prohibited Content: Materials containing solicitation, obscene, libelous, or illegal content, or violating CWI policies, are not allowed.
  • Free-Standing Signs: Signs placed in easels or designed to be free-standing require approval from Student Engagement, who will coordinate placement with Facilities to avoid obstructing traffic.

By adhering to these guidelines clubs can effectively promote their activities while maintaining a safe and informative campus environment.