Some events or fundraisers could have an elevated amount of risk (such as a sporting activity or club trip). If there is an elevated amount of risk at an event, the advisor of that student club should contact the Office of Student Engagement. Risk Management can determine whether the club will need security, insurance, or liability waivers to reduce risk at the event or activity.  

If your club needs to have participants fill out liability waivers, it is the responsibility of the advisor and officers to ensure all those forms get filled out properly. The completed waivers will need to be returned to the Office of Student Engagement after the event has concluded. If the Office of Student Engagement finds that forms were not filled out properly or by every individual that is affiliated with the college that attended the event, the club could lose its active club status. 

All club field trips, and travel require the CWI travel waiver to be signed at least 3 business days prior to travel. Travel or field trip must have received prior approval (see travel section). Travel and field trip waivers are found in the Club & Organization Blackboard portal and be found listed Club Travel Waiver under Club & Organization Resource Files.