A. Purpose

Summative Evaluations are formal evaluations administered by the faculty’s supervisor. The purpose of the Summative Evaluation is to have the faculty member and their supervisor participate in the assessment of the faculty member’s work at rank over an extended period. 

B. Schedule

Summative Assessments are conducted annually for faculty on non-renewable contract status, and at least once every five years for faculty on renewable contract. Summative Assessments shall occur immediately prior to any request for consideration of advancement in rank. The Summative Evaluation will occur after a faculty member submits a letter of intention to apply for promotion or after a period of five years since the faculty member’s last Summative Evaluation.

C. Contents

The Summative will consist of a review of the faculty’s teaching, institutional engagement, and professional development since the last Summative Assessment.
The faculty member’s Faculty Planning and Activity Reporting (FPAR) Form that contains all information since the last Summative Evaluation will be attached to this Summative Evaluation so that supervisors can refer to this information when adding their comments to the Summative.

The Summative Evaluation will include an observation of the faculty member’s instruction a minimum of once during the evaluation period.

D. Process

  • Step 1: Faculty Complete the Faculty Narrative
    • The faculty member downloads the Summative Evaluation form from the departmental evaluation site, completes the Faculty Narrative portion of the form, and submits it to the departmental evaluation site, along with the updated FPAR, by an agreed upon date. Advice on filling out the Summative Evaluation is available in the Tips for Filling out the Summative Evaluation document on the Faculty Senate teamsite.
  • Step 2: Supervisor Completes Supervisor Narrative
    • The supervisor completes the Supervisor Narrative using the following professional documents from the period since the last summative evaluation: the Summative Evaluation Faculty Narrative, the FPAR, Strength Based Coaching reports, teaching observations, student evaluations, and any other appropriate professional documents.
  • Step 3: Evaluation Meeting
    • After the supervisor completes the Supervisor Narrative, the faculty and direct supervisor are required to meet in order to discuss the evaluation and the faculty member’s future work. The evaluation and meetings are to be done with the goal of being both formative and summative in nature. The direct supervisor and faculty member need to sign the evaluation after the meeting. The faculty member and/or the supervisor may amend their own section of the evaluation after the meeting but prior to both parties signing. Signing the evaluation indicates that the evaluation meeting occurred and that the signee’s sections were written by the signee. Disagreement with the other party’s narrative may be reflected in the signee’s narrative section(s).
  • Step 4: Record Keeping
    • The supervisor retains the physical signed copy and sends the faculty member a digital copy of the signed copy. The faculty member then uploads the digital signed copy to the departmental evaluation site. The supervisor then confirms the Summative Evaluation is completed in the departmental evaluation site. The signed copy housed in the departmental evaluation site is considered the official version. The Summative Evaluation will be reviewed by the appropriate dean and may be reviewed by higher instructional leadership.