Refer to INST 130 Substitute Coverage and Pay in the CWI Policies and Procedures Manual.

Faculty members are expected to conduct classes as scheduled. Faculty who must be absent from class must notify their supervisor in advance. Supervisors will recommend arrangements to cover absences of faculty.

It is the responsibility of faculty, supervisors, and the appropriate deans to provide maximum instructional time each semester. Permission to pay substitutes must be approved by the direct supervisor.

Substitute instructors may be used at CWI pursuant to the following guidelines:

  • Faculty may arrange to exchange coverage with other instructors in lieu of compensation.
  • Faculty may not personally compensate substitutes.
  • Non-employees of CWI may not substitute in an instructor’s absence.

CWI will compensate a qualified substitute in the following instances:

  • To cover military absences, active juror absences, or college-related absences (state meetings,conferences, etc.).
  • To cover extended absence for documented illness.
  • To cover paid leave for full-time faculty.