5.10 Teaching Schedules
Each semester, teaching schedules are decided cooperatively by the faculty member, department chair, and dean based on student enrollment, the demand for classes, and faculty availability. In order to ensure full teaching load requirements are met, full-time faculty course loads are scheduled prior to adjunct faculty scheduling.
5. Instruction Management
- 5.1 Course Planning
- 5.2 Classroom Scheduling
- 5.3 Course Changes and Withdrawals
- 5.4 Canceled Courses
- 5.5 Course Syllabi
- 5.6 Course Modalities
- 5.7 Center for Teaching and Learning
- 5.8 Library Services
- 5.9 Office Assignments
- 5.10 Teaching Schedules
- 5.11 Course Attendance Reporting
- 5.12 Classroom Environment
- 5.13 Academic Advising
- 5.14 Reporting Student Conduct
- 5.15 Academic Integrity
- 5.16 Information Technology
- 5.17 Instructional Periods and Breaks
- 5.18 Final Examinations
- 5.19 Concluding a Course
- 5.20 Assigning Final Grades
- 5.21 Grading Policies
- 5.22 Field Trips
- 5.23 Faculty Absences, Canceled Classes, Substitute Pay
- 5.24 Guest Lecturers
- 5.25 Emergency Closure of Campus