Faculty may use these forms to report concerns about students.

  • Advising Referrals are helpful when a student may be struggling with attendance, grades are declining, or may need additional support in major exploration, etc. Advising referrals will be forwarded to the student's advisor. They will reach out and offer support.
  • Emergency Support Form is used to inform CWI when a student may not be able to attend class for unexpected and emergency related situations such as hospitalization, incarceration, deployment, etc. The Dean of Students will review these forms and direct to the appropriate campus resource for on-going support.
  • CARE Referrals are helpful when a student may have extenuating circumstances impeding their ability to be successful in the classroom. Examples include, but are not limited to housing or food insecurities, financial concerns, health and well-being. CARE referrals are reviewed and routed to the appropriate CARE team member who will outreach to the student to identify support and resources.
  • Pregnancy/Parenting Form is used to alert the CARE team of when a student may need support under Title IX for their pregnancy, adoption, surrogacy, loss of baby/child, or when a parent has a child with significant needs due to illness. Students may qualify for certain reasonable accommodations to help them succeed while pregnant, supporting someone who is pregnant, or parenting.
  • Student Death Notification Form is used to notify CWI if a student passes away. Upon receipt, CWI will provide outreach and support to families regarding the student's enrollment at CWI.