Learn more about club funding and funding tiers

Club Funding Summary

Clubs can receive funding through various avenues which include fundraising, requesting ASCWI, membership dues (if applicable depending on organization type), and donations. A portion of the ASCWI budget is set aside each year for club requests. It us up to ASCWI, under the guidance of Student Engagement, to utilize a funding tier system and process for clubs and organizations each year.  

ASCWI will assign club Tier status during the scheduled recognition meeting.

Club Funding Tiers 

All Tiers: 

  • Be an active club in good standing on campus
  • Follow CWI policies and procedures 
  • Submit all appropriate paperwork on time to Office of Student Engagement
  • Have at least one STUDENT representative attend all mandatory Student Leadership Circle Meetings (in-person or via Zoom) that occur in conjunction with ASCWI Senate meetings. ASCWI will allow for two excused absences per academic year.
    • Excused absences are defined as an email club report submitted to ascwi@cwi.edu prior to the Student Leadership Circle. Failure to submit a club report for an excused absence will result in a Tier standing review by ASCWI.
  • Maintain an up-to-date club web page on the CWI website.
  • Publicly post club meetings to the CWI events calendar. 


Tier 1 

Tier 1 can request up to $3,500 for their budget proposal. Tier 1 is also eligible for competition and conference travel funding.
It is not guaranteed that Clubs receive the maximum amount of $3,500 per academic year or $1,750 per semester for budget proposals. 

Tier 1 must meet the following: 

  • The Club must be represented during at least one of the official Student Engagement Resource fairs, each semester 
    • Clubs unable to attend these fairs must be able to demonstrate other ways they have recruited and advertised themselves to students at CWI
  • Plan to hold or have held at least 2 events/activities per semester (Fall & Spring) 
  • In order to travel, must fundraise 15% of estimated travel costs once travel expenses exceed $875
  • Plan to take part in or have taken part in at least one community service event a year. This can be self-coordination or coordinated by another CWI/community organization. 
  • Maintain active and appropriate presence on AT LEAST ONE social media platform facilitated through Student Engagement (Facebook and/or Instagram). 

Tier 2 

Tier 2 can request up to $2,500 for their budget proposal. Tier 2 is also eligible for competition and conference travel funding.
 It is not guaranteed that Clubs receive the maximum amount of $2,500 per academic year or $1,250 per semester for budget proposals.

Tier 2 must meet the following: 

  • Club must be represented during at least one of the official Student Engagement Club & Org fairs, each semester  
    • Clubs unable to attend these fairs must be able to demonstrate other ways they have recruited and advertised themselves to students 
  • Hold at least 1 events/activities per semester (Fall & Spring) 
  • In order to travel, must fundraise 15% of estimated travel costs once travel expenses exceed $750

Tier 3 

Tier 3 can request up to $1,500 for their budget proposal. Tier 3 is also eligible for competition and conference travel funding.
 It is not guaranteed that Clubs receive the maximum amount of $1500 per academic year or $750 per semester for budget proposals.   

Tier 3 must meet the following: 

  • Club must be represented during one of the official Student Engagement Club & Org fairs each semester 
    • Clubs unable to attend these fairs must be able to demonstrate other ways they have recruited and advertised themselves to students
  • In order to travel, the estimated travel expenses must not exceed $500
  • Plan to host or have hosted at least 1 event/activity per academic year 

Tier 4 

Tier 4 can request up to $1,000 for their budget proposal.
 It is not guaranteed that clubs receive the maximum amount of $1,000 per academic year or $500 per semester for budget proposals. 

  • Tier 4 is a conditional tier reserved for clubs in their first semester of existence at CWI or existing clubs that have not met Tier 3 requirements
  • Startup clubs can request additional funds depending on their tier qualifications after their first semester of being active