The purpose of this handbook is to clarify the roles, responsibilities, and privileges of Board of Trustee members of the College of Western Idaho. This handbook is intended to co-exist with the College of Western Idaho Board Governance Policies.  The handbook addresses how the Board...

Pursuant to Idaho Code § 33-2106, the Board shall consist of five members elected at large by all eligible electors. Eligibility of electors is prescribed in Chapters 4 and 14, Title 34, Idaho Code and includes any person who is 18 years of age, is a United States citizen, has resided in...

The Board’s authority is derived from and subject to any limitations contained in the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Idaho, Idaho Code, certain rules and regulations of the State Board of Education, and its own policies and procedures.

The Board will not be bound in...

The responsibilities of the Board are outlined in Idaho Code and the College of Western Idaho Board Governance Policies. In addition, Trustee responsibilities include the following:

  1. To communicate promptly to the President and Board Chair any significant concern.
  2. To help
  3. ...

1. Board Officers

At the organizational meeting (the first regular meeting of the Board following the election of Trustees), the Board will conduct the election of officers.

The following term limits will apply:

  1. ...

Pursuant to Idaho Code § 33-2106, vacancies on the Board shall be filled by appointment by the remaining members. If less than a majority of the Board remains, appointment to fill the vacancies shall be made by the State Board of Education. Any person appointed to a vacant position must...

1. Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the Board generally occur once per month. Pursuant to Idaho Code §§ 74-201, et seq., all meetings of the Board, except executive sessions, are open to the public. The President’s Office will provide notice of all...

In accordance with Idaho Code § 74-202, Trustees should avoid communicating with each other outside of a Trustee meeting for the purpose of making a decision or deliberating toward a decision on any matter.

1. Communication with the Public

The Board...

The Board commits itself to continual development in trusteeship and to an educational program which includes orientation of new Trustees. To that end, Trustees will foster growth and development among Trustees through the scheduling of study sessions, providing access to reading materials, and...

Travel by Trustees is expected and encouraged as part of their professional growth and development. Reasonable and prudent expenses enumerated on a College expense form are reimbursed quarterly upon authorization of the Board Chair, who examines the expenditure for propriety and availability of...

1. Purpose and Intent

Trustees should embody the highest ethical standards in dealing with the community and CWI. Trustees should abide by Idaho Code, regulations, and policies applicable to them in their capacity as members of the Board. Further, Trustees should act in...

The Board is responsible for the establishment of Board Governance Policies, which provide for the governance structure of the College and delegate implementation of College policy and operations to CWI administration. The formulation and adoption of written policy constitutes the basic method...

The Board is committed to assessing its own performance as a Board in order to identify strengths and areas which may improve. With the assistance of the President’s Office, the Chair will annually organize materials and a work session focused on the Board’s self-evaluation. ...