Section 1: Elections Requirements

IX.1.00 Anything regarding elections must follow all of the guidelines set forth in the Candidate Packet and the Voter's Guide.

IX.1.01 It shall be the responsibility of ASCWI government candidates, their supporters, and all others involved in ASCWI elections to be informed of and to follow these policies and procedures.

Section 2: Elections

IX.2.00 Any member of the ASCWI may become a candidate for office after having fulfilled the Officer eligibility requirements as stated in this Constitution and the ASCWI Bylaws.

IX.2.01 The ASCWI President, Vice President, and six (6) Senators shall be elected in a general election to be held and concluded during the spring semester.

IX.2.02 All election processes and results will be overseen and certified by the ASCWI Advisor and confirmed by the ASCWI Senate within two (2) calendar weeks of the election.

IX.2.03 Any and All protests must be submitted concurrently in writing to the Student Affairs Advisor, the Dean of Students, and the ASCWI general inbox ( no later than twenty-four (24) hours after the polls close.

IX.2.03.01 Any protests must be concise and include evidence sufficient to establish ‘probable cause’ for an election investigation.

IX.2.03.02 It is the sole responsibility of the protester(s) to Provide evidence sufficient to establish just-cause for the initiation of a Protest hearing.

IX.2.03.03 All protests will be voted on at a Senate meeting not more than one (1) week after the submission of a formal protest that is found to warrant an investigation.

IX.2.03.04 All protests will be heard via simple majority vote if such evidence exists to warrant a hearing; otherwise, it will be closed by default.

IX.2.03.05 All protest conclusions are final and will not be heard a second time without accompaniment of substantial new evidence.

IX.2.04 Upon announcement of election results, the prevailing candidates shall become non-voting members of ASCWI and begin transitioning into their role with ASCWI.