CWI Alerts Messaging System – Text, Voice, & Email

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CWI AlertsCollege of Western Idaho (CWI) uses Rave Mobile Safety, a comprehensive alert notification system, to inform students, employees, and the campus community of critical situations. These circumstances include severe weather, snow closing, utility failure, hazardous material spills, violent behavior, and other situations with the potential to affect the health or safety of people on campus.

The alerts are delivered via email, voice messages, and text message options. CWI does not charge to receive these alerts; however, your provider's standard charges will apply for carrying text messages sent by CWI Alerts Messaging.

CWI will use this system to send out messages of campus emergencies, unplanned closures, and to conduct periodic tests of the CWI Alerts Messaging System. In addition to sending the alerts, information and updates will be posted to the CWI website.

Students are automatically signed up to receive CWI Alerts Messaging to their CWI email address and phone numbers provided at the time of registration. 

How to Update Your Contact Information

If you have trouble accessing your account, please visit Campus Tech Support or contact the Help Desk.