Bert's Alerts—May 14, 2021
In the Spotlight

Thank you to all who showed up to cheer on our 2021 graduates during Grad Fest yesterday, May 13, at the Nampa Campus Academic Building! “It was amazing to see faculty and staff from across all of CWI’s campuses and departments come together to celebrate our students,” said Dean of Students, Chad Trisler.
News Highlights
Congratulations, 2021 Graduates!
In acknowledgement of our 2021 graduates, College of Western Idaho will live stream its 12th commencement ceremony Friday, May 14, beginning at 6 p.m. on CWI's Live Events page, Facebook page and YouTube channel! Plan to celebrate with us in recognition of this year’s degree and certificate and Workforce Development apprenticeship graduates.
Graduates are invited to participate in the live-streamed ceremony by submitting a photo and quote for their personalized slide. Each graduate will receive an email from on behalf of the CWI’s Registrar’s Office with directions for submissions which are due April 27. Phonetic pronunciation submissions are due April 20. Regalia is available to purchase online through the Bookstore.
In addition to the ceremony, CWI is hosting a Grad Fest. This curbside, pick-up event for graduates will be held Thursday, May 13, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Nampa Campus Academic Building.
Graduates are encouraged to check their student email account, the CWI newsroom, the College’s social media channels, and the Graduation webpage regularly for announcements and up-to-date information. Please email with any questions.
Congratulations to all our 2021 graduates! You made it!
CWI Board Names Reames as New Trustee
College of Western Idaho (CWI) Board of Trustees welcomed Jim Reames as the new trustee for Zone 3 during their monthly meeting on Thursday, May 13.
After a thorough review of all applications, the Board announced Reames would be joining the five-member board of trustees, and following a unanimous vote, he was sworn in as a new board member.
Reames works at First Federal Savings and Loan as a Market President, overseeing sales and operations for the Treasure Valley. Outside of work, he is passionate about giving back to the younger community members and is quite proud of his past service as a former board chair for the Nampa Boys and Girls Club.
Currently, Reames serves as Vice-Chair for the Nampa Saint Alphonsus Foundation and Nampa Boys and Girls Club board member.
Reames’ dedication to his community is deeply rooted in his history and genuine love of the Treasure Valley.
“Jim has a passion for helping and serving his community and I’m excited to have him on CWI’s Board,” says Board Chair, Molly Lenty. “His history of service to the community and his financial background and expertise will be a tremendous asset for the College as we continue to thrive and empower students.”
Reames believes community colleges require leadership to think outside the box, focusing on its community to be responsive to current and future needs.
Reames stated, “I’m honored to serve on CWI’s Board, and I’m thrilled to work with such a dedicated group of faculty and staff at the College to ensure students have access to high-quality education in the Treasure Valley.”
Bert Glandon Day in Idaho
Idaho Governor Brad Little has issued a proclamation making May 13, 2021, Bert Glandon Day in the State of Idaho. During College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) May Board of Trustee meeting, Governor Little joined the Board in honoring President Glandon, better known as ‘Bert’, to the College and community for his life-long advocacy, commitment, and excellence in education as he retires from CWI after 12 years of leadership.
A service-first mindset has been core to Glandon’s professional career. After starting in the United States Army and Army Reserves, he then began his career in private industry which he leveraged to bring a business perspective to higher education. Over the past 40 years, Glandon has developed a passion for community colleges spending more than 30 of those years serving as a college president at institutions in Colorado, Oregon, and Idaho.
Glandon arrived at CWI in July of 2009, only a few months after the first classes were offered to just over 1,200 students. Under his innovative and inspiring leadership, CWI grew to serve more than 30,000 students annually in 2019 and became a significant partner with local industry to educate the next generation of leaders, business owners, and skilled employees.
“It’s great to be able to attend President Glandon’s final board meeting and celebrate his 12 years of service at CWI,” said Governor Little. “Bert has led through tremendous growth at CWI and has been a tireless advocate for students and the broader mission of community colleges in Idaho. Congratulations on a remarkable career.”
Outside of higher education, Glandon is an accomplished musician who joined the stage for a short time as the drummer with Paul Revere and the Raiders. His rock for over 45 years has been his wife, Jane. One of the titles he is most proud of is being known as the world’s greatest grandpa to his six-year old grandson, Chase, who he spends as much time with as he can.
All are invited to share memories, stories, gratitude, and well wishes with President Bert Glandon as he retires from the College after 12 years of leadership.
CWI Board Names Aberle-Cannata Interim President
College of Western Idaho (CWI) Board of Trustees voted unanimously during their meeting on Thursday, May 13, to appoint Provost Denise Aberle-Cannata as CWI’s Interim President effective May 16.
The appointment of Aberle-Cannata will ensure the uninterrupted operation of the College as the search process continues for the next President of CWI.
“Interim President Aberle-Cannata has experience in several roles and settings which has provided her with a valuable understanding of higher education ranging from operations to instruction,” said Chair Molly Lenty. “She is an extremely capable leader with deep institutional credibility that will serve CWI and our students well.”
Aberle-Cannata is committed to advancing a culture of care for students, faculty, and staff while serving the community.
“I am honored and humbled to serve,” said Aberle-Cannata. “CWI is a special place and I know that all of us are committed to continuing to support our students, our faculty and staff, and our communities as we work towards welcoming a new president in the future. It will be very much a team effort as my fellow cabinet colleagues will continue to play a pivotal role as we engage in all the areas and aspects involving CWI.”
CWI Board of Trustees chose Summit Search Solutions to assist with the search process. Focus groups are being established to help provide input on the president profile, and individuals are being selected to participate on the search committee.
Visit CWI’s Presidential Search webpage to learn more about the process and to attend the Business and Community focus group on May 21.
Student Nurses Association Donates Backpacks to Local Families
For the past several months, College of Western Idaho’s Student Nurses Association (SNA) has been busy gathering backpacks full of supplies for children in foster care. At the beginning of Fall 2020 semester, each member of the group was challenged to grab a backpack and add items, such as personal toiletries, books, and socks, to the backpack each month.
The backpacks were originally set to be donated to Family Advocates in Boise. Due to an unexpected closure of the facility due to COVID-19, SNA members sought out an alternative. With the help of Health and Welfare, students were put in touch with a facility in desperate need of backpacks to distribute to foster families as well as other families in need.
On April 29, 2021, 33 fully-loaded backpacks, extra feminine hygiene products, and various school supplies collected by SNA were donated to the Nampa School District’s Family and Community Resource Center. The estimated value of the donations was around $3,300 or approximately $100 per backpack.
“This felt especially fitting as our program’s main campus is located in Canyon County,” said SNA Project Chair, Lizzie Glafke. “We truly were giving back to the community. Our hearts were so full after hearing how thankful the facility was as this area is one of the most underserved but in great need in Canyon County.”
Current SNA members plan to coordinate with the newly-appointed 2021-2022 SNA officers to encourage the continuation of this community outreach project on an annual basis.
Ceremony Recognizes 2021 Law Enforcement Graduates
Classes 9 and 10 of College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Law Enforcement program were recognized during a ceremony, May 6, 2021, at the Nampa Civic Center. LeRoy Forsman, Law Enforcement program Director, began by sharing the program’s mission statement which was followed by presentation of the colors and remarks by Kevin Platts, Director of Public Safety programs.
“I highly salute this year’s candidates on the fantastic job they have done,” said Platts. “Our students receive the highest level of training thanks to professionalism of our staff and our cadre of over 60 instructors from the valley including individuals from state, county, and city who are active-duty law enforcement or recently retired.”
Following his remarks, President Bert Glandon addressed the graduates expressing his gratitude to them as they embark on their careers.
The keynote speaker at this year’s ceremony was Sergeant Jim Love, who retired from Idaho State Police in 2017 after nearly 30 years of service. As the graduates prepare to embark on careers in law enforcement, Love advised them to have fun and enjoy what you do, learn to let it go, leave work at work, and refrain from an ‘us against them’ mentality.
Forsman concluded the ceremony by encouraging graduates to provide the best service possible, always work to be better and improve, put their families first, be positive and flexible, think before they speak, be smart, and be an example.
“Remember, we will step up and be a warrior when we must,” said Forsman, “but our job every day is to be a guardian. I challenge you to be guardians for your community… I know that you will go out and make a difference and know that we are proud of you.”
BPA Students Among Top Ten in the Nation
Congratulations to members of Business Professionals of America (BPA) who represented College of Western Idaho at the 2021 Virtual National Leadership Conference. The team of five students spent two weeks attending the virtual conference which included presentations, seminars, meetings, and competition bringing home several awards including 12 top-ten medals, two first-place plaques, one second-place plaque, and two third-place plaques.
“While they did not get to travel to Orlando due to the National Business Professionals of America’s decision to hold the conference virtually, our students still had opportunities they might never have been able to experience without their participation in Business Professionals of America,” said BPA Club Advisor and Professor of CyberSecurity, Linda Otto. “They were able to participate in multiple service projects, accept leadership within the local chapter, and compete at a high level against a group of national competitors.”
To learn more about BPA, contact advisors, Michell Boldt at or Linda Otto at
2021 Fire Service Technology Graduation Ceremony
Fourteen Fire Service Technology graduates followed the sound of bagpipes as they marched into the Nampa Civic Center on May 6 to celebrate completion of the program.
Kevin Platts, Director of Public Safety Programs, and Darrin Raskopf, Director of Fire Service Technology, kicked off the event by welcoming students and visitors.
Valedictorian Garrett Morse, who was hired by the Boise Fire Department after passing his tests, spoke during the ceremony.
“This program was a stepping stone for our careers and many new friendships with the people we will be working with for the next 20 to 30 years,” he said. “We’ve experienced a lot of stress and body aches and sarcastic remarks over the semester, but it is something I would never trade.”
Morse concluded his remarks by thanking his instructors and the variety of active and retired members of the fire community who helped train the class.
Keynote speaker Mark Niemeyer, Chief of the Boise Fire Department, told graduates how important it is to maintain the public’s trust and underscored as they advance through their careers to remember the higher you go, the more you will owe.
Niemeyer finished with, “Enjoy the journey, and remember we are here to help you along the way. Good luck!”
2021 Nurse Pinning Ceremony
The celebrations continued this week at College of Western Idaho (CWI) with the Virtual Nurse Pinning Ceremony on Thursday, May 13.
Family and friends gathered via Zoom to watch this year’s ceremony as Allison Baker, Department Chair of the Professional Nursing program, began the event by welcoming the graduates before several faculty spoke during the event.
“Every year it’s very exciting to see students realize their dreams,” said Allison Baker, Department Chair of the Professional Nursing program. “The faculty and I are so proud of the perseverance these students have shown. I know it’s almost become cliché to say ‘during this difficult time,’ but this is true. I think that makes this year’s pinning even more special.”
There is a special Nightingale award voted on by the students anonymously, and Candace Browne was nominated by her class to receive it this year. The students vote for a classmate that they believe depicts the best of the nursing profession in knowledge, compassion, advocacy, and professionalism.
“Nursing Pinning is a tradition that is important to me personally,” said Cathleen Currie, Dean of Health. “It welcomes these CWI Nursing graduates into our noble profession. I am very proud or each of the Nursing graduates.”
The event wrapped up with instructor, Jen Mimish, leading the nursing oath for students as they completed this milestone in their nursing careers.
Emerging: CWI Capstone Collection
Artwork from College of Western Idaho’s Studio Art graduates was on display April 19 – May 9 at the Boise State Student Union Fine Arts Gallery. The exhibit, “Emerging: CWI Capstone Collection”, can now be viewed virtually for all to enjoy.
View "Emerging: CWI Capstone Collection"
The CWI Studio Art program promotes the development of artistic skills and practice, craftsmanship, and aesthetic discernment. The AA degree in Studio Art provides students with a foundational understanding of the history of visual culture, provides opportunities to grow as artists, and prepares students who are interested in transferring to a four-year college or university to complete a bachelor’s degree in art.
Contact Goran Fazil at 208.562.2117 or to learn more about the College’s Studio Art program or this year’s exhibit.
Studio Art Students Talk Public Art with Amy Westover
Local artist, Amy Westover, met with College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Studio Art Capstone class Monday, May 3, as part of the College’s Visiting Artist Series.
Westover is a native of Boise, Idaho. She studied art at Arizona State University, University of Idaho, and abroad in Torino, Italy, completing her Bachelor of Fine Arts in printmaking and sculpture from Boise State University in 2000. Her sculpture, works on paper, and kiln-formed glass have been exhibited in galleries and museums including Boise Art Museum, The Bullseye Gallery in Portland, Oregon, and The New Mexico Museum of Contemporary Art in Sante Fe. Her diverse work has found homes in many private and public collections such as The City of Boise, The Boise Art Museum, and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
Early on, Westover’s career path turned to public art. Since, she has created commissioned art for hotels, condominium buildings, urban centers, water reclamation projects, airports, and has a substantial portfolio of commissions for hospitals and wellness centers including the University of Nebraska Medical Center. She has been the recipient of numerous grants and artist residencies as well as having been nominated for awards including the Boise City Mayors Award for Excellence in the Arts, the Northwest Contemporary Art Award from the Portland Art Museum, and the Louise Comfort Tiffany Biennial Award.
Westover’s virtual lecture took students on her journey as a public artist, studio artist, and public art planner focusing on the public art process from beginning to end. She provided students with amazing advice with tangible and practical ways to take their next steps as artists including tips on how to get involved in entry-level public art opportunities and resources for exhibiting artwork. In addition, Westover was able to review student’s websites and portfolios and provide feedback to the class about emerging artist opportunities both locally and nationally.
Celebrating President Glandon
After 12 years leading College of Western Idaho, the time has come to bid farewell to President Bert Glandon. The tremendous amount of work Bert has done for both the College and community during his time in leadership is worth celebrating. All are invited to share memories, stories, gratitude, and well wishes with Bert as he transitions into retirement via Flipgrid.
To leave your message for President Glandon, use one of the two options below:
Computer and Webcam
- Visit Flipgrid online.
- Select “Enter Your Guest Password”.
- Enter the password, BertGlandon.
- Click “Record a Response” to record your message.
Mobile Device
- Download the Flipgrid app through the App Store or Google Play.
- Open the app, and select “Guest”.
- Enter the Join Code, 640d69fd.
- Select “Enter Your Guest Password”.
- Enter the password, BertGlandon.
- Click “Record a Response” to record your message.
Messages will be collected through June 18, 2021, then packaged together as part of a farewell message for President Glandon. Please note, submissions will be moderated and are not visible to others.
Contact College Relations at with questions or assistance.
Employee Wellness Challenge Grand Prize Winners
Over the past eight months, College of Western Idaho (CWI) employees have participated in the Employee Wellness Challenge 21-Day Challenges. A big thank you to all who helped made this initiative so successful! These challenges have helped push us to be more aware of our bodies and minds, as well as slow down and focus on building one healthy habit at a time.
We have been challenged to walk more, practice mindfulness, obtain a good night sleep, drink more water, eliminate processed sugars, intentionally add more physical movement into our days, better understand healthy eating, and enjoy the great outdoors on foot or by bike.
All participants who submitted their participation information and met the minimum challenge requirements earned an entry to the grand prize drawings. Eight total entries were possible per person.
Congratulations to the grand prize winners for the 2020-2021 Employee Wellness Challenges!
Apple Airpods
- Teresa Rich
- Angela Zaugg
Garmin Forerunner Watch
- Heather Schoenherr
- Lindsey Zahller
In addition, participants who met the challenge requirements for all eight months will receive a CWI hat with the new branding!
This completes our 21-day challenges for the 2020-2021 academic year. Don’t forget about the added challenge – the upcoming We Otter Get Moving Virtual Fun Run and Walk on May 22! There is still time to sign up and prepare for your 5k or 10k.
We are so grateful to everyone who participated and hope the 21-day challenges gave everyone great motivation to build new habits and create positive capacity in your health moving forward.
CWI Rolls Out New ID Cards
College of Western Idaho (CWI) is transitioning to the new BOLD branding for ID cards at the College.
Faculty and staff can update their ID cards at the One Stop Student Services Ada County and Nampa Campus Micron Education Center locations beginning Friday, May 7, and are encouraged to complete the process before the end of spring semester.
Staff are asked to get their new ID cards either before July 31 or wait until after Oct. 1 to help representatives focus on students and the start of the Fall semester.
To update your card:
- Reserve a 15-minute appointment online
- Appear in person at your selected One Stop Student Services location to update your ID card
- Enter the ID card’s 5-digit serial number in an online form. After your appointment, a link will be emailed to you from CWI facilities. Enter the ID card’s 5-digit number to change your building access to your new card. It may take up to 48 hours for the card to become active.
When arriving at One Stop Student Services, employees are asked to sign in using the kiosk before being helped. Bring your current ID card to the appointment to verify your Employee ID number. You will not be required to hand in your card, but keep your old card’s 5-digit card serial number accessible to complete the form you will receive to activate building access on campus.
Staff and faculty will need to get a new card before Dec. 31, 2021, when building access expires for all existing ID cards. Please continue to watch your email for updates surrounding rollout of the new ID cards.
CWI Prepares to Launch National Presidential Search
College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Board of Trustees has announced a partnership with Summit Search Solutions to begin a nation-wide search for CWI’s next president. Currently, Summit is convening a number of internal, business and community listening sessions and focus groups in advance of the Search Committee’s first meeting.
The greater community is invited to attend a public forum Friday, May 21, at 9 a.m. and may request attendance through CWI Presidential Search. Feedback from these forums will inform the content of a position description and the position profile. Summit staff will support work to evaluate candidates, select and interview semifinalists and finalists for future presidential candidate community forums, and, ultimately, extend an offer to a tremendous candidate.
Board Chair, Molly Lenty, stated, “We’ll take the needed time, do our work, follow the necessary due diligence to ensure that we are addressing the needs of our students, the many communities we serve and, of course our faculty and staff as we prepare to select our next president.”
For more information please visit, CWI Presidential Search.