Bert's Alerts—July 10, 2020
In the Spotlight

Hard to believe it has been nearly four months since work life as we know it was turned upside down in a matter of weeks thanks to COVID-19. As more than 1,000 classes were moved online and many of us began working remotely, we quickly learned what #mightyCWI is truly about. From makeshift stand-up desks to working alongside new coworkers, we truly have been mighty in keeping our students first!
President's Message
Given the changes in confirmed COVID-19 cases in our immediate service area of Ada and Canyon Counties, President’s Cabinet (PC) and the Executive Operations Team (EOT) have made several adjustments to the College’s Return-To-Work plan for employees.
Our priority is to position the College to be ready to serve students in the fall, while maintaining our protocols for health, cleanliness, and safety for all; students, faculty, and staff. Limiting the number of staff and faculty we have on campus greatly enhances our ability to provide a safe environment for students who choose to attend in-person courses and for employees who are designated on-campus essential. As such, our current effort supporting employees to work remotely will continue through the remainder of 2020 or until further notice. This directive supersedes all prior directives and is effective immediately.
CWI employees will work with their direct supervisor to reassess the designation of on-campus essential status. Supervisors will work with their EOT representative and follow PC guidance to assist in this assessment of employee designation.
- On-campus essential means an employee’s duties are primarily forward-facing in service of students for the Fall 2020 semester and/or are critical to maintain college business functions. Those designated as on-campus essential will work with their supervisor to ensure their schedule, workspace, and interaction with other CWI team members and students align with safety protocols.
- Employees not considered on-campus essential, please continue to work remotely as you have been since mid-March.
- Further information and training specific to faculty will be provided in the near future.
The criteria PC used in assessing this new work dynamic stems from this commitment of safety while balancing the capacity for thorough cleaning, available supplies, and social responsibility in curbing exposure among all of us where possible. I believe open, honest communication is paramount to helping us navigate this pandemic. Please reach out if you have any questions as we are continually evaluating and modifying our approach as conditions warrant.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our students who have clearly expressed their desire to return to campus. Lastly, I implore you all – wear a mask, wash your hands, be kind, and limit your exposure with others. I am proud of our efforts here at CWI and know we will continue to be an institution that serves its students and community responsibly.
CWI in the News
News Highlights
CWI Rolls Out Multi-Factor Authentication
In partnership with the Security Workgroup, Information Technology (IT) is rolling out Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) in Office 365 to all College of Western Idaho (CWI) employees. As many companies and organizations use this type of authentication, you are likely familiar with the process.
What is MFA in Office 365 and why is it important?
MFA, also known as two-step verification, is an extra layer of security designed to ensure you are the only person who can access your Office 365 account, even if your password is stolen. Once set up, a user will only be granted access to Office 365 after successfully providing two or more pieces of personal identification.
When will the rollout occur, and what action do employees need to take?
IT will be activating MFA for employees July 9 – 21. Once activated on your CWI account, you will be prompted the next time you log in to walk through the screens outlined in the FAQ link provided below.
- Rather than using the built-in mail application on your Android device, you will need to download and use the Outlook app for MFA to work on your phone. Apple users will not have to download an app for MFA to work on your device.
- For those using the CWI Wi-Fi, when you initially authenticate and then change to using your phone service Wi-Fi, you will be prompted to enter a new code.
- It is recommended you choose two authentication options in case you don’t have access to your primary option at any given time.
Watch for an email from your EOT representative with more information in the coming weeks.
Please submit a Help Desk ticket or call 208-562-3444 if you encounter any issues.
2020 Law Enforcement Graduation
CWI Class 8 Law Enforcement Graduation 6 30 2020
In a large empty garage, the size of a football field, 18 Law Enforcement program graduates gathered sporting face masks and practicing social distancing to celebrate the moment at the Nampa Police Department on June 30.
LeRoy Forsman, Law Enforcement program Director, led the graduates and visitors in the Pledge of Allegiance to kick off the event.
“We are very pleased with how well the ceremony went,” said Forsman. “Our students and guests made this possible by respectfully following safety protocols. These graduates are bravely taking a major step toward their careers. They have committed to an ethical and professional future as guardians of their communities.”
Following remarks by Kevin Platts, Director of Public Safety programs, President Bert Glandon addressed the graduates expressing his gratitude to them as they embark on their careers.
“You are going to make a difference,” he said. “You need to know that. We support you and really appreciate your commitment.”
The keynote speaker at this year’s ceremony was Stacy Mowry, Senior Program Coordinator in the Law Enforcement program. He highlighted the significant changes in law enforcement over the decades and the amount of equipment and training students receive today, compared to his grandfather, a police officer in the 1950s. He also underscored the importance of never lying and be an ethical police office.
“Be the best officer and citizen you guys can be,” said Mowry. “Help who you can when you can. You are starting a profession that will absolutely leave the world a better place than you found it.”
CWI Launches New Fire Service Opportunities
College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Public Safety programs are excited to announce the arrival of opportunities for new firefighters and seasoned professionals now offering Basic Technical Certificates and Associate of Arts degrees for Fire Service Technology and Fire Service Management.
“We at CWI are fully invested and enthusiastic for the opportunities this program offers to our students,” said Darrin Raskopf, Director of Fire Service Technology.
The Fire Service Technology program, ideal for people looking to formalize their structural fire training, will prepare students to work as a full-time or volunteer firefighter.
Fire Service Management, developed for individuals in the field who want to advance, will cultivate future leaders in the fire and emergency services. CWI’s curriculum is based on the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards and International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) certified program requirements.
Students in both programs will be presented with the highest level of classroom instruction and hands-on demonstrations.
“This has been a collaborative effort with various professionals from the surrounding fire service and educational institutions,” said Raskopf. We are looking forward to welcoming our next semester of students back into classes with our newly-designed fire service programs.”
“We want Idaho students from CWI getting Idaho fire jobs throughout the state who are trained by the very best local Idaho firefighters and fire command staff,” said Kevin Platts, Director, Public Safety programs.
Basic Technical Certificates can be completed in six months for the Fire Service Technology program and 12 months for the Fire Service Management program. Associate of Arts degrees in both programs will take 24 months to complete. Certificate or degree, these programs are a great way to empower your future while developing the skills you need to excel in the fire service industry.
Faculty of Distinction—May 2020
Congratulations to Beth Hyle-Worbets, College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Faculty of Distinction for May 2020. Worbets, an instructor in the Professional Nursing program, has been with the College for three years teaching Nursing Skills, Medical-Surgical Nursing, and clinical courses.
“I teach because it is the way I can make the most impact on the world,” Worbets said. “As a nurse I make a difference to patients and their families, but as a nursing instructor I can help shape and mold compassionate, caring, and competent nurses.”
Worbets completed her bachelor’s degree in Nursing with an emphasis in Public Health in British Columbia, Canada. While working in a variety of nursing positions throughout the United States over the past 18 years, her passion for community nursing emerged.
“I enjoy the individualized care and patient education aspects of this type of nursing. I have had the privilege of working with at-risk youth in Texas and New Mexico, with elderly on the Mescalero Apache Reservation in New Mexico, with workers who experienced catastrophic work injuries, and with high-risk patients in a Methadone treatment in rural Montana.”
As a member of the College’s Professional Nursing faculty, Worbets is proud to be part of a program that provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to enter a trusted and respected profession while also allowing them to help others and provide for their families.
“CWI has the most caring and compassionate staff and faculty imaginable! Students consistently comment on how supported they have felt during their time here. Recently, my husband had a minor procedure done. The nurse who worked with him was a former student. Since I work with first year students, I rarely have an opportunity to see their skills and competence develop past the first year of the program. This particular student was in my clinical group for her very first clinical day. I remember how timid and nervous she was that day. To see her enter the room as a compassionate, competent nurse really reaffirmed why I do what I do. CWI truly empowers students to attain their dreams, provide for their families, and make the world a better place.”
Originally from Oklahoma and after living in several places within the United States and Canada, Worbets said she has developed a true love of the northwest. She and her husband, Jon, have been married for 21 years and have two teenage children and two dogs.
Drop-in(to) Advising – July 18
Join College of Western Idaho’s Student Success Advisors during their first-ever virtual advising event, Drop-in(to) Advising. The event, held Saturday, July 18, will be hosted via Zoom. Students are encouraged to “drop in” any time between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. that day to meet with their advisor and ask questions about degrees, registration, and next steps in preparation for fall semester.
Contact to learn more or with questions.
Drop-in(to) Advising Zoom Link
Important Dates: Fall 2020 Semester
Fall 2020 Admission Deadline Approaching
Empower your future at College of Western Idaho (CWI) – your community college! Earn a degree in-person*, online, or a combination of both. CWI offers a wealth of options for all lifestyles and schedules, allowing you time to focus on what matters most.
Important Dates, Fall 2020 Semester
- July 25 – Financial Aid Priority Deadline
- July 31 – Scholarship Application Deadline
- Aug. 15 – Admission Deadline
- Aug. 21 – Registration Deadline, Tuition and Fees Due
- Aug. 24 – Fall 2020 Classes Begin
Get started today!
Complete your application, register for classes, and apply for financial aid and scholarships.
- Applications and necessary documentation must be received prior to the admission deadline in order to be accepted for fall semester.
- All new, degree-seeking students must also participate in New Student Orientation prior to registering for classes.
Contact One Stop Student Services or visit us online with questions or to learn more.
*Additional information regarding CWI’s safety protocols for fall classes is available at
Aspen Creek Complex Parking Lot Closure
College of Western Idaho will close the Aspen Creek Complex parking lot on Sunday, July 12, for maintenance. No parking will be available while the restriping project is completed.
HR Updates
Employment Opportunities
There are no new job postings this week. Employees can access Internal Job Postings or visit Careers at CWI to view all external listings. Upon application submittal, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email, check your "Junk/Spam" folder, then email to verify receipt of your application.
Note: This is the official communication newsletter for the College. Content is driven by contributions gathered from all areas of CWI. If you have news you would like to submit for this, please use a Marketing Help Desk ticket.