Bert's Alerts—April 24, 2020
In the Spotlight

College of Western Idaho Board of Trustees Chairman, C.A. “Skip” Smyser, shares a laugh with other board members during a virtual board meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, April 21. This was the College’s first fully virtual Board of Trustees meeting with more than 30 people attending the meeting online.
President's Message
Once again, I want to take this opportunity to thank each of you for the dedication and commitment you demonstrate daily, and especially during this time of pandemic.
In accordance with the new guidance from the State of Idaho Governor Brad Little; I have been working closely with our President’s Cabinet, Trustees, and stakeholders on how we at CWI will adapt and adjust our operations.
Effective April 23, 2020, our current state of remote work will remain in effect through May 31. Positions that necessitate on-site presence will be evaluated by the corresponding vice president member of Cabinet. If approved, those positions will be re-integrated to on-site campus work in a coordinated fashion to help ensure employee safety, while continuing our commitment to curb community spread of COVID-19.
Should conditions warrant, close to June 1, more employees may be re-integrated to on-site work on a limited basis, again with vice president approval and in-coordination with Facilities.
More detailed guidance on the exact parameters and timing will be forthcoming from our Human Resources professionals, so please watch for those communications.
I know our current state of uncertainty is challenging. I have been so impressed and so proud of the positive, forward thinking and supportive nature of this CWI campus community; not only towards our students but with each other. We will come out of this stronger and better positioned to serve our students and communities! We are mighty! We are fearless! We are CWI!
Stay Safe,
News Highlights
Nursing Students Join Frontlines of COVID-19 Battle
To help battle COVID-19, College of Western Idaho (CWI) Nursing students have entered the workforce early to join the fight during the pandemic.
The Idaho Board of Nursing has made unprecedented policy changes to allow both first- and second-year students to pave a path to begin working in the frontline of this crisis.
“Our students have really stepped up to meet the needs of our community during a critical time,” said Allison Baker, CWI Nursing Department Chair. "They are the future of healthcare in the valley, and I could not be more proud of them.”
First-year students who successfully passed their fundamentals class and skills class can obtain their nurse apprenticeship certificate and work in facilities as unlicensed, assistive personnel. Thirty-one of CWI’s first-year students volunteered to do this, and six are currently working in facilities.
Senior Nursing students are eligible for the RN New Graduate Temporary License – allowing them to work with direct supervision from a licensed RN while preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). The College has a strong track record of producing successful students, with 96.5% of the 2019 cohort passing the NCLEX.
Eighteen second-year students have volunteered and have jobs in area facilities. Melissa Johnson is one of these students. Johnson is currently working in the medical field, and in June she will use her temporary license to begin working at Saint Alphonsus Medical Center in Nampa.
“I am very proud to work in the healthcare field, and I am very eager to start working as a nurse in June to help support patients and staff in this fight,” Johnson said.
Careers in the healthcare field have some of the greatest need as our communities continue to grow. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Employment of healthcare occupations is projected to grow 14% from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations, adding about 1.9 million new jobs.” Learn more about the healthcare programs available at CWI and career opportunities, as well as how to submit a competitive application, by participating in a Virtual Healthcare Information Session.
Beta Sigma Pi Achieves Top Ten Status
Congratulations to Beta Sigma Pi, College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society, recognized as a top ten college, placing seventh out of 1,300 community colleges worldwide during the PTK Catalyst Virtual Event April 17, 2020!
Despite the annual spring conference looking very different than in previous years, Beta Sigma Pi was honored to receive this and several other recognitions and awards including:
- Seventh Finalist for Most Distinguished Chapter Worldwide
- Top 100 Chapter Award
- Distinguished Chapter Award
- Distinguished College Project Award
- Distinguished Honors in Action Project Award for their project on stereotyping and incivility
Beta Sigma Pi’s Honors in Action Project entry, “Overcoming Stereotypes through Faculty Cultural Competence,” was selected from among 495 entries to be included as one of 16 articles in the 2020 edition of Civic Scholar: Phi Theta Kappa Journal of Undergraduate Research, which will be published in June.
Despite numerous obstacles throughout this academic year, the honor society’s officer team – Laura Baldwin, Rheanna Palmer, Nicole Johnston, Jody Ayers, and Mia Cinello-Smith – worked incredibly hard to complete two demanding projects, supported a large chapter membership body, hosted a successful regional Fall Conference, put on several events for PTK Awareness Week, and continually collaborated with many different stakeholders on the CWI campus.
Congratulations to the entire Beta Sigma Pi team,” said Susan Edwards, PTK Honor Society’s Associate Vice President of Honors Programming and Undergraduate Research. “Your work inspires us and highlights something we have known all along: community college students are central to the production of new knowledge and meaningful scholarship.”
Zooming Her Best Life
Maia Kelley, Assistant Professor of Math, has been making the most of working remotely by coming up with a new Zoom theme every day for the last three weeks.
“The first couple days I did this, it was just a lark to keep myself amused,” she said.
Before she knew it, Kelley’s Zoom themes were growing in popularity.
“I didn’t intend to do it more than a time or two, but then the screenshots I posted on social media got a lot of interactions from friends and family – some saying they were starting to look forward to it each day.”
Themes have included:
- Abe Lincoln at Gettysburg
- A conspiracy theorist with a conspiracy theory background
- A construction worker at a construction site
- Cowpoke in the Old West
- Elmer Fudd on Looney Tunes
- Heat Miser with Cold Miser
- Joker at the Arkham Asylum
- Lance Armstrong at the Tour de France
- Nemo in the ocean
- Oliver Hardy with Stan Laurel
- A quarterback on a football field
- Robin Hood in a forest
- Rosie the Riveter’s We Can Do It
- A wizard in a magic laboratory
- Zorro with a Z background
Kelley calls these her “Zoom Moods” and rightly so as they are sure to put a smile on anyone’s face during these crazy times.
“Things aren’t easy right now. If seeing my buffoonery gives someone a chuckle for a minute, then they are certainly worth my time to assemble.”
Because her interaction with students is mostly via email or Blackboard’s Collaborate, Kelley sends a summary of all her Zoom Moods from the past week to her students every Monday.
“It’s actually caused a few students who had previously been quiet to respond and update me on how they’re doing. Those who do meet with me get to see me wearing a weird hat with no context which is probably entertaining in a different way. So, again, worth my time.”
Kelley’s colleagues are now joining in on the fun sharing their wig and hat stashes with her.
“This could last a while – consider yourselves warned!”
Open Enrollment Ends May 15
Open enrollment for medical, dental, and flexible spending accounts will be held April 27 through May 15, 2020, for all benefit-eligible College of Western Idaho (CWI) employees.
The open enrollment period is the only time benefit changes as listed below can be made. Forms for open enrollment will be available Monday, April 27, on Human Resources Employee Resources site on myCWI. Exceptions will not be made for those who miss the May 15 deadline.
Flexible Spending (FSA)
- Enroll or re-enroll in the FSA program for the 2021 fiscal year.
- FSA plans do not automatically renew year-to-year.
Medical and Dental Plans
- Change your medical plan type.
- Add dependents to dental care coverage.
- Switch premium deductions from post-tax to pre-tax or vice-versa.
- Dependents can be added or removed from medical coverage at any point during the year.
Learn more about benefits you are eligible for by attending CWI's Virtual Benefit Fair, April 24 – May 14. View informative videos, attend webinars, access FAQs and forms, and enter a drawing to win prizes! Attend from anywhere and at any time throughout the fair.
Contact Gwen Dawson in Human Resources at with questions.
Support Student Success – Give Today!
With this year's open enrollment period for benefit-eligible employees upon us, the College of Western Idaho (CWI) Foundation would like to remind faculty and staff about the opportunity we all have to support students through employee giving.
Whether you choose to give to Greatest Needs, CWI Foundation scholarships, the SCORE Big Scholarship, Wishing Well Fund, a specific program, or want to create a scholarship of your own – your donations directly support student success opening doors to opportunities and the future.
Since 2011, employee giving has raised more than $184,000 in support of students and programs at the College. In 2019 alone, employee giving contributions reached nearly $25,000. Now is the perfect time to review your current giving status and payroll deductions. Not only are your donations tax deductible, they are an investment in the people, programs, and ideas that strengthen our community.
“I believe in CWI and the future of the community in which we live,” said Eric Anderson, Assistant Professor in the Automotive Technology program. “I give to CWI because I know that giving is living, and living is helping others.”
Contact the CWI Foundation at 208.562.3100 or to learn more about employee giving opportunities.
Fall 2020 Registration
College of Western Idaho (CWI) is excited to announce registration dates for the Fall 2020 semester.
Continuing Students
Priority registration at CWI for the Fall 2020 semester begins Monday, April 13. Priority registration allows continuing students a chance to enroll in classes ahead of others in order to stay on track to graduate.
- Continuing students are required to meet with their Student Success Advisor prior to registering.
- Once advising is completed, students can register online any time on or after their assigned registration time.
- Continuing students, who enrolled and attended classes any semester since spring 2017 are eligible.
- Assigned registration times are based on cumulative credits earned.
- Students can check myCWI and CWI email for their assigned time.
- Dual Credit students are not eligible for priority registration.
New and Returning Students
Open Registration for all students, including new and returning, begins Monday, April 20.
- All new, degree-seeking students must participate in New Student Orientation prior to registering for classes.
Contact One Stop Student Services or visit us online to learn more about applying to CWI, orientation, and registering for classes.
Summer Opportunities
CWI Continues Remote Work Through May
College of Western Idaho's (CWI) current state of remote work will remain in effect through May 31, 2020.
Positions that necessitate on-site presence will be evaluated. If approved, those positions will be re-integrated to on-site campus work in a coordinated fashion to help ensure employee safety, while continuing the commitment to curb community spread of COVID-19. Should conditions warrant, more employees may re-integrate to on-site work on a limited basis in early June, again with vice president approval and in-coordination with facilities.
CWI remains committed to providing excellent student support and services through online channels! For the most up-to-date information, please visit
HR Updates
There are no new job postings this week.Employees can access internal job postings by visiting or view all external listings on Upon application submittal, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email, check your "Junk/Spam" folder, then email to verify receipt of your application.
Note: This is the official communication newsletter for the College. Content is driven by contributions gathered from all areas of CWI. If you have news you would like to submit for this, please use a Marketing Help Desk ticket.