Recognized Student Clubs & Organizations enjoy the privileges listed below: 

  • Use of the name of the college in the organization title (marketing guidelines apply)
  • Use of college facilities such as: meeting rooms, event space, bulletin boards, and digital display advertising
  • Requests for funding from the Associated Students of the College of Western Idaho (ASCWI)
  • The use of the Business Office for financial advising and banking services
  • Assistance from the Office of Student Engagement
  • Inclusion in the online Directory of Student Organizations
  • Maintenance of a web page attached to the college’s website (related guidelines apply)

Organizations may be established within the college for any legal purpose. Organizational focus may be religious, political, educational, economic, or social. 

As a general rule, membership in a recognized college organization must be open to all students. A student may not be denied the rights of access to and participation in any college-sponsored or college-approved activity because of race, age, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, veteran status, or disability.