Overnight student club travel needs to be requested through the club advisor to the Office of Student Engagement at least 20 business days before the date that payment for the travel is required. A meeting between at least one of the traveling advisors and a student officer must be held either in person or virtually to review the requested travel plans and budget for accuracy. 

For consultation in planning upcoming travel ideas or plans, please schedule a time with the Coordinator of Student Engagement & Programs. 

When submitting the request for overnight travel, here are things that should be included in your budget requests:

  • Travel estimates must include mileage, airfares, ground transportation, tolls, parking, registration fees, hotel, meals, and cab/shuttle fares, as applicable.
    • You must submit documentation for quotes, i.e. registration pages, flight estimates, hotel pricing, etc.
  • The proposed budget submission is recommended include a 10% contingency (due to changes in rates, fares, etc.)
  • Travel for academic purposes can’t be paid through the club accounts. 

In planning for your travel, the following policies and guidelines must be followed:

  1. Eligible travel must be related directly to the club's purpose.
  2. A Prior Approval for Student Travel Form must be completed prior to any purchases being made for travel expenses or reservations.
  3. If any student traveling will be a minor at the start of travel, Risk Management must be notified at least 60 days prior to the start of travel, and the requirements of CW-050 Protection of Minors will apply.
  4. Only full-time CWI employees can accompany students on a trip and must follow the CWI Employee Travel policy. CWI or Club funds cannot be used to pay for the travel of persons, including spouses or family members, who are not students or employees.
    1. A ratio of 1 employee per 10 students is required for overnight travel.
    2. All employees must have completed Clery Act and Title IX training within one year of the start of travel.
  5. Students must completely fill out the required documents for approval before leaving for the trip. All paperwork must be pre-approved by the Dean of Students before making any arrangements.

​​​​​Additional guidelines for overnight student travel:

    1. A Student Travel Release form to include emergency contact information for the student is required.
    2. A parent or guardian’s signature is required if the student is under eighteen (18) years of age.
    3. Students traveling on behalf of CWI are responsible for their own health and injury insurance coverage.
    4. Students and employees traveling on behalf of CWI are required to depart and return as a group. Travelers are neither permitted to individually depart before the rest of the group nor stay behind after the majority of the group leave to return home. In cases where one or more participants are not physically located in the Boise Metro area, alternate travel plans may be necessary, but arrivals and departures should be timed as closely as possible. At no time should a student be left without an advisor while the rest of the group has departed to return home (i.e., leaving a student to catch a later bus, train, or flight) as any delays or travel issues may strand a student without resources for food, shelter, or alternate transportation.
  1. Per Diem for Student Travel
    1. Per Diem meal requests for students is the GSA rate for Idaho of $54.00 with the first and last day of travel calculated at 75% of the GSA rate. Please review the travel budget section for further detail.
    2. Students do not qualify for incidentals.
    3. Per Diem rate must reflect any meals provided at the event and will be prorated accordingly.
    4. No alcohol may be purchased with any college or club funds or consumed while traveling on behalf of the college without prior Presidential approval.
    5. Sales tax is not reimbursable except for sales tax on meals, rental cars and hotel rooms.
    6. Clubs that wish to include a student per diem must include this in their budget request and their travel request. Clubs are not required to provide student per diem during travel.
    7. Student per diem is provided in advance of travel and is the responsibility of the advisor traveling with the students.  The advisor is required to submit an approved payment request, along with supporting prior approval travel documentation, to Accounts Payable at least two weeks in advance of travel. 
      1. A check is processed to the advisor, and they disburse funds to the students accordingly.  Any monies not used are required to be returned to Accounts Payable along with the Per Diem Cash Advance Signature Sheet before the Advisor’s reimbursement is processed.
  2. Accommodations for Student Travel
    1. Employees and students are prohibited from sharing a room in any situation.
    2. Students will share a room with a minimum of two to a room. Notwithstanding this rule, students will not be required to share a room with students of another gender.
    3. Students and faculty will be expected to cover all expenses of a personal nature incurred solely for the convenience of the student or faculty member including, but not limited to, meals included in the cost of registration or provided by the event, room service, cancellation charges, alcoholic beverages, late or early check in/out fees, lost or stolen cash or property, etc.
  3. Early Return from Travel
    1. If a student is expelled or otherwise removed from an event or activity by the organizer, the student will be sent home immediately and will be responsible for any additional charges incurred.
    2. If a student’s behavior is inappropriate or disruptive, the advisor, in consultation with the Dean of Students, may require a student to return home immediately, and the student may be responsible for any additional charges, pending the outcome of Student Conduct proceedings.
    3. If a student chooses to leave the event or activity, or fails to appropriately participate or engage (i.e. leaves the event without permission, fails to attend sessions, does not attend required events, refuses to participate in competitions, etc.) the advisor, in consultation with the Dean of Students, may require a student to return home immediately, and the student may be responsible for any additional charges.
    4. If a student experiences an emergency which requires them to return home prior to the scheduled date of return, the student must communicate the emergency prior to leaving the event. The Dean of Students will determine if the student is responsible for any additional charges.
  4. Clubs must have funds available before making arrangements for the trip.
  5. If a trip is over two thousand dollars ($2,000) a purchase order must be completed and additional approvals may be necessary.
  6. Student Post Travel Report must be completed by the lead advisor or faculty member within 5 days of returning from student travel.
  7. All relevant CWI policies and handbooks apply to students and employees for the duration of travel.