CWI News – Oct. 7, 2022

Lots of money was raised, and even more fun was had at College of Western Idaho Foundation's ninth-annual Opening Doors Benefit Event Wednesday night! While the live and silent auction may be over, there is still plenty of time to check out the Benefit's online auction, bid on some amazing items, and help raise money for student scholarships.
The online auction concludes Sunday, Oct. 9, at 5 p.m.
President's Message
Dear Faculty and Staff,
This week was filled with some awesome opportunities for engagement, both internally and externally. I was able to be on campus in Nampa and Boise to share the work of our next CWI Strategic Plan, allowing time to connect internally for discussion and gather feedback.
In addition, the CWI Foundation hosted the ninth annual Opening Doors benefit event hosting over 250 donors, businesses, sponsors, community partners, and friends for a very special night fundraising for student scholarships. It was my privilege to attend and speak on behalf of the College. My wife, Karen, and I were delighted to have two amazing students join our table for dinner. Hearing their stories and learning more about their aspirations after CWI was a perfect reminder as to the importance of the Opening Doors event. Being able to meet so many diverse students and passionate community leaders reminded me why I still love coming to work every day and joining all of you to make a difference. Total funds raised have not been finalized yet, however initial numbers indicate this could be a record year. Don't forget the online auction is open through Sunday, Oct. 9 at 5 p.m., there is still time to bid on some very cool items, and some favorites from our CWI Welding program.
As we wrap up another stellar week, I thank you for all that you do every day to support our mission of empowering students to succeed. I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy this amazing fall weather.
News Highlights
Congratulations to the 2022 Bridges to Baccalaureate Fellows
The Southwestern Idaho Bridges to Baccalaureate program (B2B) has been placing exceptional College of Western Idaho (CWI) students in research labs at Boise State University for the past five years. This year is no exception! CWI is pleased to announce students, Kari Felton and Ayana Pattison, have been selected as B2B Fellows and will join the program through 2024.
B2B was awarded a second five years of support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in August 2022, to help students overcome the barriers of obtaining their education. These barriers include the financial burden of higher education, the emotional stress faced by underrepresented students in the sciences, and the objective challenge of completing a rigorous undergraduate degree program.
The Southwestern Idaho B2B program addresses each of the challenges with a proven methodology from our past successes. The new NIH award goes even further than before in supporting students financially, contributing up to 60% of the full-time tuition and fees for each B2B Fellow. B2B program supports students emotionally through its unique mentoring program that matches the Fellows with past CWI students who have successfully transitioned to Boise State and have made their mark in the biomedical research community there.
Similarly, through specific B2B coursework, events, and cohort building we are addressing the challenge of degree completion by continuously engaging Fellows in academic life. Student engagement with peers, faculty, and experiences is one of the “Big Six” indicators of undergraduate fulfillment and, ultimately, their success in terms of degree completion and career readiness.
In the near future, the new Fellows will be matched with faculty research mentors at Boise State University and, before long, they’ll be leaving CWI and transitioning to the next step in their academic and professional careers.
CWI is very excited for them, proud of their accomplishments so far, and anxious to see their progress in this next phase of their educational journey. Congratulations again and good luck, Kari and Ayana!
The Southwestern Idaho B2B program is supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health.
Following His Dreams to Become a Healthcare Hero
College of Western Idaho (CWI) student, Jackson Hagen, has his eyes set on becoming a Nurse Practitioner. To do so, he knows he needs to further his knowledge in the healthcare field.
That’s where practical nursing (PN) comes into play.
Hagen currently works as a Registered Nursing Assistant (RNA) at St. Luke’s Health System. Enrolling into a PN program was the logical decision for him because it acts as in-between for his current role and his dream career.
“I figured it is a way I could get my toes wet with being a nurse and see if it’s a field I can actually enjoy and see myself doing as a career,” Hagen said.
The choice to enroll in CWI’s PN program was an even easier decision.
“CWI is by far the most affordable school I know of. Even with its low cost, the education you get here is very good. In fact, a lot of professors I have had in the past taught the same curriculum at other institutions.”
Hagen is rarely bored these days, between studying and practicing his skills, there is not a shortage of activities for Hagen to work on. He knows it’s all part of fulfilling that dream of his.
“It’s all a progression toward the ultimate goal of graduation. It isn’t busy work, and I do enjoy myself. Working in the lab is great because you get a hands-on experience with the mannequins and simulations. It makes you feel like you are preparing for that situation to happen in real life.”
A highlight for Hagen along the way has been working with CWI’s PN program faculty. He feels they actually take the time to know their students, how they learn, and treat everyone with respect.
“Instructors, Joan Weddington and Melanie Gier, design the program in a way made for success, but also so you actually get to know the information and don’t just push you through. They are amazing teachers, and every single interaction with them is education centered and how to get better in the program.”
Hagen is constantly reassured this is the right path for him since being accepted into the PN program. Once he graduates from CWI, he hopes to enroll in Idaho State University’s RN program and obtain his Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).
With graduation only a couple months away, he attributes the College and the faculty for empowering him and get closer to fulfilling his dream.
“Because of CWI, I was able to advance my education on my own time and at an affordable cost. I always have people available to help guide me through this journey, and now I will be able to proudly say I got my education and career from CWI.”
Applications for CWI’s PN program are open now through Oct. 28, 2022.
The program requires a supplemental application process in addition to applying for admission to CWI. Details on the application process and program requirements are available on the Practical Nursing program page.
For questions about applying to the Practical Nursing program, contact your Student Success Advisor or the Practical Nursing program.
Learn more about the Practical Nursing program and how to apply
Celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day with CWI
College of Western Idaho (CWI) will celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a statewide recognized day honoring the history, culture, and contributions of Indigenous people on Monday, Oct. 10. The entire CWI community is invited to join us for food, activities, a presentation by an Indigenous CWI student, and to learn more about Indigenous people.
“I am hopeful this event will make people more aware of Indigenous people, their traditions, what it is like to be a contemporary Indigenous person, but also I hope it has them think about their own heritage and what that means to them,” said Associate Professor of Anthropology, Nikki Gorrell.
This will be the first Indigenous Peoples’ Day in-person at CWI since 2019. Gorrell helped create the first Indigenous Peoples’ Day event at CWI in 2018, with the help from the College’s Inclusive Excellence Committee.
The State of Idaho has officially recognized the day since 2019 when Governor Brad Little issued a proclamation declaring every second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
Each year, Gorrell works to bring in an Indigenous voice in the community onto campus for the event to speak, share their story, and help educate others about their culture. This year is extra special because the presentation will be put on by CWI Creative Writing student and Anthropology Club President, Maddox Lightning, who identifies as Indigenous.
“I am very open and proud of my Indigenous heritage,” said Lightning.
Lightning is a matrilineal of Kanien'kehá:ka (People of the Crystals, also called the Mohawk Nation), of the Rotinohshonni (People who Build Longhouses, also called the Iroquois Confederacy). The Rotinohshonni are a confederation of now six tribes, and is the oldest living democracy in the world.
"It's been a new journey for me because it has only been about the last two years that I started to learn about my Nation's language, go to the territory, and delve into my Indigenous ancestry," Lightning said.
In a presentation, entitled Peace and Power: My Journey Reconnecting to my Rotinohshonni Identity, Lightning plans to share her personal journey learning more about her Indigenous heritage, what led her to look more into her roots, and what adventures this self-discovery has taken her on, both mentally and physically.
The presentation will also touch on the ancient Rotinohshonni practice of song trading. Lightning will teach audience members a traditional Friendship Song.
“I hope to honor and celebrate Indigenous people every day because it is impossible to encompass more than 500 Nations' cultures and histories in one day," Lightning said. “However, having a day of awareness, like Indigenous Peoples’ Day, is important because it invites those who haven’t had the opportunity or interest to learn about Indigenous peoples to do just that. This event is like a gateway for others to honor and celebrate our cultures.”
"I hope people walk away thinking, 'All native peoples aren't the same.' Because there is not just one Indigenous group, there are more than 500 Nations who all hold their own stories and languages. I hope this is a call for others to learn more about their own ancestors and where they come from. When we look back at the diversity in ourselves, I think we have a better foothold to honor the diversity around us.”
Peace and Power: My Journey Reconnecting to my Rotinohshonni Identity will be held at Nampa Campus Academic Building (NCAB) Rm 102E on Monday, Oct. 10, from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. This event is free and open to the public.
For those with questions or in need of more information, contact Nikki Gorrell at
Monday’s event is possible through contributions and efforts made by the School of Social Sciences and Public Affairs (SSPA), Inclusive Exclusive Committee, the Anthropology program, and the Anthropology Club.
CWI Celebrates National Tutor Week
They are always there for us when we need help to better understand course materials, break down content, and prepare us for exams — it’s our College of Western Idaho (CWI) Tutoring Services and Writing Center! CWI wants to show appreciation for our hardworking tutors by recognizing them during National Tutor Week, from Oct. 3 – 7.
This week, be sure to give a tutor a big ‘Thank you!’ in-person, or online. Leadership with the Tutoring Services created a webpage for students, faculty, and staff to leave thank you notes for CWI tutors.
“Our tutors are doing what they do because they love to help students, and they care about others success,” said Assistant Director of Tutoring Services, Valerie Lee. “When a student sees success, I believe our tutors feel like they are successful, too, and it is great to be part of that student’s story.”
CWI Tutoring Services and Writing Center employs around 60 – 70 tutors each semester, each coming with a wide variety of skills and knowledge in various subjects, such as English Language, science, technology, engineering, math, business, Career Technical Education (CTE) courses, and more.
While each enters the job with a specific area of expertise, tutors still have training they need to go through to help students to the best of their ability. That training looks like how to help students identify where they're struggling, assessing the trouble areas, and coming up with a plan for success.
“We want to help students in the moment, but we also want to help them become better learners on their own,” Lee said. “The best feeling is when a student doesn't need a tutor anymore and has become an independent learner thanks to their tutor.”
Whether it is in a group setting or one-on-one, Tutoring Services at CWI offer free, in-person, embedded, and online tutoring to currently enrolled CWI students. This includes dual enrollment students, like those attending high school and CWI or Boise State University simultaneously.
Tutoring Services is comprised of all types of tutors. There are some who are CWI students looking to lend a helping hand, retired educators looking to give back to those around them, and plenty of others with different backgrounds in our community choosing to work with students.
“They do it because they love to tutor,” Lee said. “Plus, tutoring allows for a flexible schedule and is a fun environment.”
Business Lead Tutor, Pam Roemer, started working with Tutoring Services for the latter, but stayed for the former.
“I needed money and a job while attending classes. I applied because I enjoy assisting people with knowledge,” Roemer said. “I stayed in tutoring because I enjoyed working with students, coaching them on how to discover resources available for learning, how to not to panic over course material that appears difficult, and helping students realize they can do it!”
As the Business Lead Tutor, Roemer works with many people in need of assistance in math courses, which is not always everyone’s cup of tea. Helping empower students who are struggling to grasp course concepts has become one of Roemer’s favorite parts of tutoring.
Roemer can remember many looks of excitement when students realize they understand the material, she calls it their ‘aha moment.’
“I like seeing the lightbulb go on when the subject, and content begins to make sense,” Roemer said.
Roemer believes being part of CWI has empowered her with confidence to be bold and to step out of her comfort zone. She attributes it to knowing the College’s staff and faculty are with her throughout her educational and working journey.
“I want to pass on confidence to the students I tutor by encouraging them to be bold in their courses,” Roemer said.
“I hear all the time from students that our tutors are the reason they were able to pass a class because they instilled confidence in them and were able to get them the help they needed,” Lee said. “Tutors give others a sense of belonging on campus.”
Internship Opportunity Through Senator Risch’s D.C. Office Opening
Looking to learn more about public service and what goes on in the federal government? Applications for Idaho Senator Jim Risch’s internship program in Washington D.C. are open!
According to Risch’s Office, interns will gain a knowledge of the federal legislative process and the day-to-day work that goes into research, drafting, and passing a bill in the Senate. The program will additionally teach interns more about issues important to Idahoans.
The program is open to undergraduate students of all majors.
To help learn more about the application process, College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Work Based Learning Center (WBLC) will hold an online presentation with Kathleen Christensen of Risch’s Office on Thursday, Oct. 20. Christensen will explain in more detail about what goes on throughout the program and open up a question and answer session for prospective applicants.
WBLC asks CWI staff to share details about the opportunity with any possible prospects.
Information about Senator’s Risch’s internship program
“This is a great opportunity for students to learn about our government and how it works,” said Director of the WBLC, John Russ. “If you are interested in issues that impact Idaho and its citizens, this is an opportunity to learn how to make a difference on those issues. An internship provides students the opportunity to network with other influential people that may develop into lifelong relationships. Regardless of you field of study, this is a great once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn from others. You never know who or how others can help until you take the steps to experience something different.”
Wallgren Named Faculty of Distinction for September 2022
Congratulations to Associate Professor of Business, Lindsey Wallgren, who was named College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Faculty of Distinction for September 2022.
Wallgren, who has been with the College for nearly nine years, got into teaching for many reasons but said primarily to make connections with students and help empower them to reach their goals.
“It is immensely satisfying when a student finally understands a challenging concept or skill, passes a hard exam they've been studying for, gets into the four-year school they've been working toward, or lands their dream job,” said Wallgren. “Being a part of a student's journey is such an honor.”
One of Wallgren’s favorite memories teaching is actually one of her earliest at CWI.
Wallgren had a student enrolled in her Business Software Application (BUSA 120) course who was transitioning into an office-type career after being injured. Wallgren remembers how low the student’s computer literacy was in the beginning of the semester, but she also remembers how hard the student worked and the type of energy she brought to class.
“Every time she mastered a skill, she'd yell out, ‘Bam!’, and that always put a smile on my face. She ended up passing two certification exams that semester, and it was just so rewarding to come alongside her,” Wallgren said.
As someone who came from a non-traditional educational background, Wallgren knows the importance of hard work when it comes to school. While completing her Bachelor of Arts in Management and Organizational Leadership and Master of Business Administration, she worked full-time as an executive assistant for an architecture firm and a health insurance company, then worked in student enrollment for two different higher education institutions.
It was her time at those colleges where she knew she wanted to teach and share her insight to help prepare students for their future career. It’s also what eventually brought her to CWI.
“I love the College’s availability and options for career and technical education as well as the academic programs that not only prepare students to go on to four-year schools, but also give them technical skills to be competitive in the workplace,” Wallgren said.
“Lindsey is a dedicated faculty who has given so much time and energy to the Business Department,” said Dean of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Courtney Santillan. She added, students share with her how Wallgren’s teachings have helped them in business and the real world.
With Wallgren’s own experience in the real world, she hopes her insight and instruction can influence her students well beyond the classroom.
“I hope my teaching can bring about transformational learning in a person's life so they can go out into the world and be a critical thinker who makes a positive impact on those around them.”
Wallgren is an Idaho native who was born in Twin Falls and moved to Boise when she was just two years old. She has been married for nearly 22 years and has two children: a teen and a tween.
“I am in the phase of life where I'm running kids around a lot, but as a family we love to golf. I'm the worst player in the family, but it's still so much fun to be together,” Wallgren said.
CWI Co-Hosting Regional Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs Conference
Colleges from around the western United States will be on the College of Western Idaho (CWI) campus for the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) Region 7 Fall 2022 Conference Thursday, Oct. 13. CWI is co-hosting the conference alongside Northwest Nazarene University (NNU).
ACBSP is business education organization that offers accreditation to all levels of collegiate business educational degree programs from associate to doctoral. CWI’s Business department has been accredited through ACBSP since 2018.
This fall’s conference theme is Celebrating Collaborative Alliances: Stronger Together.
The three-day event will kick off Wednesday, Oct. 12, with a welcome reception at the Nampa Civic Center. ACBSP members will then make their way to Nampa Campus Micron Education Center (NMEC) Thursday morning for the first day of the conference, which will include a welcome by CWI Business Department Chair, Richard Sotto, and CWI President, Gordon Jones, followed by several presentations from regional faculty on various topics, such as collaborating with community partners, engagement between high education and businesses, volunteering, and more.
The second day of the conference will be at NNU’s Helstrom Business Center on Friday, Oct. 14.
“I am excited to showcase CWI’s campus and the Treasure Valley to our regional faculty business leadership teams,” said CWI Associate Professor of Accounting, Joe Welker. “I have been part of these conferences for a while, and I love what it represents and the rigor it upholds for business curriculum and faculty.”
ACBSP Region 7 Fall 2022 Conference is not open to the public.
HR Updates
New Hires
Welcome to the following individuals who are new to the College. We are happy to have you here and look forward to working with you!
- Cameron Stewart — Tutor 2, Learning Commons
- Emairence Issa — English Language Learning Tutor, Learning Commons
- Melody Bales — Tutor, Learning Commons
- Monica Huyg — Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs
- Remington Grunewald — Tutoring Lead, Learning Commons
- Steven Low, — IT Infrastructure Architect, Information Technology
Position Changes
- JohnD Thompson — Chair, Department of Transportation Technology
- Keri Kwan — CTE Tutor, Learning Commons
- Krystle Aramburu — Student Success Advisor
Employment Opportunities
Employees can access Internal Job Postings or visit Careers at CWI to view all external listings. Upon application submittal, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email, check your "Junk/Spam" folder, then email to verify receipt of your application.
Note: This is the official communication newsletter for the College. Content is driven by contributions gathered from all areas of CWI. If you have news you would like to submit for this, please use a Marketing Help Desk ticket.