Bert's Alerts - November 11, 2016
In the Spotlight

On Friday, Nov. 11, College of Western Idaho (CWI) honored Veterans with a ceremony at CWI’s Nampa Campus Academic Building. The public event included guest speaker George Nickel with the Wyakin Warrior Foundation, a student speaker, choir, and honor guard. The College would like to thank Veterans, members of the United States armed forces, and their families for sacrificing so much to defend our freedom.
Video of the ceremony may be viewed on CWI's Facebook page.
CWI in the News
CWI leaders remain optimistic despite failed $180M bond on November ballot - KIVI
CWI displays flags for veterans - Idaho Press-Tribune
News Highlights
Three CWI Board Members Appointed by Voters
On Tuesday, Nov. 8, three College of Western Idaho (CWI) Board of Trustee members were appointed to their post by Ada and Canyon County Voters. Mary Niland and Mark Dunham were each re-elected, while C.A. “Skip” Smyser was elected to his first term on the Board. All three candidates ran unopposed.
CWI is governed by a volunteer five-member Board of Trustees who are elected at large from within Ada and Canyon Counties for staggered, four-year terms. Trustees derive their authority from and hold office in accordance to the state of Idaho Code.
A Message from President Glandon on the Bond Measure
First of all, let me start by thanking everyone for what you do to help our students, faculty and staff here at College of Western Idaho (CWI). I appreciate all of you. Now, the big question: What happens now?
There are some positives from the vote, despite the fact we didn’t get the total result we were hoping for. A majority of those who voted did indeed say they support CWI. That’s a great first step. We now need to evaluate the results, see what can be done to the project, what needs to change possibly in how we tell our story and then forward those recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
In the meantime, we keep doing what we do better than anyone else: Serve our students and our communities.
Thanks for all you do.
President Bert Glandon
Gift Makes Measurable Difference at CWI
A gift without an official price tag is making a measurable difference at College of Western Idaho (CWI). Meridian-based Micro 100 Tool Corporation recently donated more than $16,000 worth of brand new tooling items to the College’s Machine Tool Technology program. The donation is giving students the opportunity to work with tools that are currently being used in the workforce.
“If we had to pay for (these tools), we simply could not afford it,” Dave Sperry, the Machine Tool Technology Program Chair, said. “Not only does this allow us to teach students using cutting-edge technology, it saves on their out-of-pocket costs as well.”
The 766 items, which were returned to Micro 100 by one of its overseas dealers, are metric sizes and could not be resold. It made perfect sense for the company to donate them so students—like Dan Thompson and Dennis Nunez—could benefit from their use.
“This donation reflects our desire to partner with our local education community and lets them know that this community needs a college like CWI,” Craig Graf, Micro 100’s Vice President of Manufacturing, said. “Thanks to our founder, Dale, our company supports education. If we don’t give back to our community, it’s not right to take.”
Micro 100 has an apprenticeship program that grooms CWI students to become employees. The program pays students while they work and go to school to complete a two-year degree at CWI. So far, the company has employed several CWI graduates.
“These students are our future employees,” Graf said. “We’re really excited about what’s going on here—creating employees and contributing to the economic growth of the valley.”
This is the third time Micro 100 has donated tools to the program. For more information about the College’s in-kind gift guidelines, please visit the CWI Foundation website.
Settlers of Catan Tournament Hosted by Entrepreneurs Club
Do you like board games? Do you like winning prizes? Do you like to just have fun? Join the College of Western Idaho (CWI) Entrepreneurship Club on Saturday, Nov. 12, for the eighth Settlers of Catan Tournament. The event will take place at 1 p.m. at the second floor common area of the Nampa Campus Academic Building.
The tournament will feature three rounds of play for all participants and light refreshments. The first-place winner will receive a full Settlers of Catan, Cities and Knights, and Seafarers game set, including extensions.
Admission is $10 for pre-registration and $12 at the door. Entry fees can be paid by cash or check on-site. Visit to pre-register for the event.
$10 Professional Photos Offered at CWI
A partnership between the College of Western Idaho (CWI) Media Club and Entrepreneurship Club is bringing a great opportunity to three CWI Campus locations. The student groups will be capturing professional headshots for employees, students, and the public for just $10. Participants will receive a digital copy of their photo. The photos are great for resumes, online portfolios, and LinkedIn. No appointment is need.
The service will be available:
Tuesday, Nov. 15
1-5 p.m.
Nampa Campus Academic Building
Wednesday, Nov. 16
3:30-7:00 p.m.
Ada County Campus Pintail Center
Thursday, Nov. 17
8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Nampa Campus Aspen Classroom Building
CWI Fall 2016 Fire Drill Results
College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Fall semester fire drills are complete. These fire drills are designed to prepare students, faculty, and staff for an organized evacuation in case of a fire or other emergency requiring evacuation.
Each campus evacuated quickly and efficiently utilizing the evacuation routes specific to their area. The building administrators and floor captains did an outstanding job clearing their assigned areas and reporting to the centralized location in a calm and professional manner.
You can view the results for each location by visiting the Environmental Safety and Health myCWI page under the safety testing results listing in the right side navigation.
Thanks to everyone for your cooperation and participation in this process.
Fall Festivus is Next Week
College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Fall Festivus celebration is Thursday, Nov. 17. Employees are invited to join the fun at CWI’s Micron Center for Professional Technical Education. The event will be held in room 1701A/B from 3-5 p.m. There will be a nacho bar, chocolate fountain, games, cookie decorating, and fun; including your colleagues throwing down with a lip sync battle at 3:30 p.m.
Be sure to get your supervisor's approval before attending. Email any questions to
HR Updates
Welcome New Colleagues
Aleysha McCoy: Advisor, Academic Advising
Kira Skroh: Dual Enrollment Teacher
Keriden Waldrop: Industry Teacher - Medical Assistant
Employment Opportunities
There are no new job postings at CWI this week. Employees can access internal job postings by visiting or view all external listings on Jobs are posted as they open throughout the week. Upon application submittal, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email, check your "Junk/Spam" folder, then email to verify receipt of your application.
Note: This is the official communication newsletter for the College. Content is driven by contributions gathered from all areas of CWI. If you have news you would like to submit for this, please use a Marketing Help Desk ticket.