In-Kind Gifts

An in-kind gift is a voluntary contribution of goods or services that can be used to advance and/or support the mission of College of Western Idaho (CWI) and or the CWI Foundation and may qualify as a charitable deduction for the individual(s) making the gift.

All potential in-kind gifts must be evaluated by a representative from the College to ensure the gift can advance the mission of CWI and if the gift is for the College or the Foundation.

If the College accepts your in-kind gift, you will be asked to complete an In-Kind Gift Acceptance Form.

  • If the donor is unable or unwilling to complete this form, the receiver may complete the form and check the appropriate box.
  • The College representative receiving the gift may not offer tax advice or dictate the value of the contribution.
  • It is the responsibility of the donor to determine the fair market value of their in-kind gift. 
  • Once the donor has irrevocably transferred possession of the item, the College representative receiving the gift may sign and date the In-Kind Gift Acceptance Form.
  • Signed forms should be given to the Foundation immediately for processing and acknowledgment to the donor. 
  • The Foundation will notify the Business Office of the contribution and immediately transfer possession to the College as appropriate. 

Contact Us

Coordinator of Donor Acknowledgement and Recognition