
  1. There shall be established at the College of Western Idaho Faculty Recognition Committee which shall have the following functions:
    1. Faculty Recognition Committee’s Role in Faculty of Distinction Award.
    2. The creation of a Committee for Faculty of the Year.
  2. Membership
    1. The Faculty Recognition Committee shall consist of five to seven (5-7) members, of which, one member must be a Senator from Faculty Senate.
    2. The Faculty Recognition Committee members volunteer to serve on the committee. If there are more volunteers than open positions, the existing committee members will elect members from the volunteers, and the elected will be approved by the Faculty Senate President.
  3. Operating Procedures
    1. The Faculty Recognition Committee will meet monthly or as needed by meeting in person or via email.
  4. Organization of the Faculty Recognition Committee
    1. The Chair of the Faculty Recognition Committee will be a member of the Faculty Senate, and shall preside at meetings of the Recognition Committee. In the absence of the Chair, another member of that Committee selected by the Chair shall preside.
    2. The Committee will nominate and elect a Chair if two or more members of the Committee are Faculty Senators are interested in chairing the Committee.
    3. The Committee will have a chairperson to call and organize meetings and report to Faculty Senate. The Chair will coordinate with other parts of the college as needed.
  5. Reporting
    1. The Chair will update the Faculty Senate each month during the regularly scheduled meeting.
    2. The required report content will consist of what has been happening with the Faculty Recognition Committee and who has recently been nominated.
    1. Members of the Faculty Recognition Committee shall normally serve three-year terms, and they shall not be eligible for more than two consecutive terms.
  7. Selection Process for Faculty of Distinction
    1. The Faculty Recognition Committee will meet and review a list of those who have been nominated, determine who will be the Faculty of Distinction each month, and recognize those who are awarded as Faculty of Distinction.
    2. To encourage anonymous selections for Faculty of Distinction, the Chair will strip any identifying details from the nomination (e.g., names and when possible department identifiers).
    3. The Chair will email the committee members the nominations. Each member will rank order their top 3 choices within in one week. The person with the highest rank across votes will be the recipient of Faculty of Distinction. If there is a tie, the Chair will select from the list of  have been forwarded by the committee members.
    4. All nominees will remain on the selection list until the end of the year. At the end of the year, all nominees who did not receive Faculty of Distinction will be sent a card on behalf of Senate letting them know they were nominated for the award. The eligible nominees shall consist of all full-time and adjunct faculty members at CWI regardless of rank, with the exceptions specified below.
    5. Ineligibility
      1. Members of the Faculty Recognition Committee and Faculty Senate are ineligible to be nominated for Faculty of Distinction.
      2. Previous recipients of Faculty of Distinction are ineligible for a period of 3 years, and
      3. Faculty of the Year recipients are eligible for Faculty of the Year after 5 years from the anniversary of the previous award.
  8. Selection Process for Faculty of the Year
    1. The committee who selects Faculty of the Year will be different than the committee who selects Faculty of Distinction. The Faculty of the Year recipient will be decided by the below committee using a standardized scoring rubric. The Committee for choosing faculty of the year will consist of:
      1. Deans (6)
      2. Faculty Senate Rep
      3. Student Government Rep
      4. Staff Senate Rep
      5. College Council Rep
    2. Recruitment for Faculty of the Year will be conducted by the Faculty Recognition Committee.
    3. The Chair of the Faculty Recognition Committee will provide the Faculty of the Year Committee with the descriptions of the year’s recipients of Faculty of Distinction. The descriptions will have the identifying details removed. Each member will use the Rubric, and the faculty with the highest score will be the recipient of Faculty of the Year. If there is a tie, the Faculty Recognition Committee will vote between the nominees.