
Faculty Promotion Committee provides promotion related training for faculty, maintains the promotion process, evaluates faculty promotion portfolios, makes recommendations on faculty to be promoted, and makes recommendations on promotion processes and procedures. The Chair of FPC updates the Seniority and Promotion Timeline document annually.

  1. Organization
    1. Membership: The Faculty Promotions Committee will be made of 5-9 members, 4-8 regular members and the chair of the committee. Each school of CWI must be represented, with a maximum of two members from each school. The chair of the committee will not be counted as a representative of a division or school. Department chairs or program chairs may serve on the committee, but when a supervisory relationship is identified with an applicant for promotion, the department/program chair will abstain from discussion or voting regarding the applicant.
    2. Terms of service: Membership is typically three years to allow faculty to rotate off during their promotion eligible year. Membership should be staggered so that no more than half of the Committee rotates off during any given year.
    3. Selection of members: New members will be chosen and notified by the end of April of each year. Faculty in good standing with the college may be nominated or may self-nominate. Existing members will elect new members from the nominees.
    4. Organization/hierarchy: The Faculty Promotions Committee will have a chairperson to call and organize meetings,organize promotion related training and materials, report to Senate, and act as a liaison to administration. The Committee will also have a vice chairperson to assist the chairperson in carrying out his/her responsibilities.
    5. Method of establishing hierarchy: Prior to the election of new members, the Faculty Promotions Committee will nominate and elect a chairperson for the next year. When possible, the chairperson should have served a year on the committee prior to being elected and served as vice chair. The Committee will nominate and elect a vice chairperson for the current year by the end of September. When possible, the vice chairperson will be able to serve on the Committee at least one year beyond his/her term as vice chairperson.
  2. Reporting
    1. Method of reporting to Senate: The chair will send a brief monthly update to the Faculty Senate President one week prior to each Senate meeting. The update will be added to the Senate minutes. If the committee has business to be discussed by the Senate, the chair will send a separate request one week prior to the meeting. Each year at the completion of the applicant review process, the Committee will report the number of applicants each year, including the number promoted or denied.
    2. Required report content: Monthly reports will contain updates on current projects, upcoming issues, and recent decisions. Reports will not contain any sensitive or identifying information regarding applicants for promotion.
  3. Operating procedures
    1. Frequency of meetings: The Faculty Promotions Committee will meet monthly, or on as needed basis.