Mission and Scope

Alignment with Strategic Plan

Student Success

  • 1A. Advance student success by optimizing the Student Lifecycle

  • 1B. Undifferentiated outcomes for all

Affordable & Accessible Education

  • 2A. Deliver quality, affordable education

  • 2B. Ensure accessible education

Inclusive Culture

  • 4A. Foster a high performing organization driven by a culture of engagement, respect, and accountability (Employees)

  • 4B. Foster a high performing organization driven by a culture of engagement, respect, and accountability (Students)

Alignment with NWCCU 2020 Accreditation Standards

  • 1.B.3 The institution provides evidence that its planning process is inclusive and offers opportunities for comment by appropriate constituencies, allocates necessary resources, and leads to improvement of institutional effectiveness.
  • 1.B.4 The institution monitors its internal and external environments to identify current and emerging patterns, trends, and expectations. Through its governance system it considers such findings to assess its strategic position, define its future direction, and review and revise, as necessary, its mission, planning, intended outcomes of its programs and services, and indicators of achievement of its goals.
  • 2.A.1 The institution demonstrates an effective governance structure, with a board(s) or other governing body(ies) composed predominantly of members with no contractual, employment relationship, or personal financial interest with the institution. Such members shall also possess clearly defined authority, roles, and responsibilities. Institutions that are part of a complex system with multiple boards, a centralized board, or related entities shall have, with respect to such boards, written and clearly defined contractual authority, roles, and responsibilities for all entities. In addition, authority and responsibility between the system and the institution is clearly delineated in a written contract, described on its website and in its public documents, and provides the NWCCU accredited institution with sufficient autonomy to fulfill its mission.
  • 2.A.4 The institution’s decision-making structures and processes, which are documented and publicly available, must include provisions for the consideration of the views of faculty, staff, administrators, and students on matters in which each has a direct and reasonable interest.
  • 2.F.2 The institution provides faculty, staff, and administrators with appropriate opportunities and support for professional growth and development.


The Adjunct committee believes the mission of our body is to empower the College of Western Idaho adjunct community by creating opportunities to communicate ideas, establish goals, and implement practices that will improve our work and classroom environments. We believe that the greater CWI community needs a vibrant adjunct faculty that knows it is being heard, valued, and supported. When those values are achieved, we believe our committee will achieve the mission to excel at building connections, community and caring, where every adjunct teacher feels empowered to take part in and improve academic and institutional excellence.

Charge and Objectives

With the guidance of Faculty Senate, the focus of this committee will on fostering inclusivity for the entire adjunct community by making sure each and every adjunct teacher at CWI has the opportunity to air any concerns, ideas and grievances, and to make suggestions to improve our standards and procedures by which the adjunct faculty work.

Membership and Representation 

A. Leadership

  • Chair
    • The committee will have a chairperson to call and organize, represent the committee to various CWI Stakeholders, coordinate the accomplishments of committee objectives and projects, and facilitate communication between the committee and the Faculty Senate.  The chair will be responsible for taking and maintaining a record of minutes and maintaining committee records.
  • Vice Chair
    • The vice chair will assume all responsibilities of the chair in the chair’s absence, support the chair in the fulfillment of their duties, learn the Chair responsibilities to transition to Chair position, and attend meetings with the Chair as appropriate.

B. Selection of leadership

Leadership positions are elected every other Fall through the voting procedures of the committee. Nominations and voting for leadership will be open to the entire adjunct faculty community and occur when there is a vacancy or after the term limit has been reached.

C. Terms

  • Term Periods
    • Leadership positions will be held for a period of two years.
  • Limits
    • A person may serve in leadership for no longer than six consecutive years.
  • Vacancies
    • Should any leader resign from duties, an interim will be chosen and voted on by the committee members to complete the term.  


Any person serving as CWI adjunct teacher may join the adjunct committee. No other requirements exist.  The only elected positions are that of the committee Chair and Vice Chair voted on by the entire CWI adjunct community.

A. Terms

Except for the Chair and Vice Chair of the adjunct committee, the time an adjunct committee member serves on the committee is unlimited.

B. Participation Expectations

Members of adjunct committee are expected to participate in meetings, committee communication, projects, and work groups. Involvement in projects and work groups is on a volunteer commitment basis.

Formation of Subcommittees or Workgroups

When the need arises, subcommittees or workgroups may be appointed by the Chair.

Standing Subcommittees

In order to achieve its objectives, standing subcommittees may be formed by vote of the committee. The chair of the subcommittee is responsible to report on the subcommittee’s work prior to each monthly committee meeting. The committee may form workgroups on an ad hoc basis.


A. Method of reporting

The Chair will report each month to the Faculty Senate President and to the Faculty Senate. The update will be added to the Senate minutes.

B. Required report content

Monthly reports will contain information on current projects, upcoming issues, and recent decisions.

Operating Procedures

A. Frequency of meetings

The adjunct committee will meet monthly and/or as needed.

  • Methods of meeting
    • Meetings will be held online via Zoom.
  • Voting procedures
    • Decisions of the committee will be made by a simple majority vote of the members present. In instances of a tie, the chair will abstain from voting.

Maintenance of Committee Documents and Records

Committee documents and records, including meeting minutes, will be maintained by the Chair of the adjunct committee.