Last Reviewed: July 29, 2024


Budget Proposal

  • A budget proposal is a breakdown of how requested funding will be utilized throughout the course of a semester or academic year by a club through events, purchases, promotional materials, and travel. 

  • A budget proposal provided to ASCWI should include a general estimate of event costs and purchases throughout the semester. This is merely an outline for estimated costs that need to be requested for the budget. A more detailed proposal must be provided to Student Engagement for event, purchase, or travel approval. 

Student Representative 

  • A representative can be any STUDENT member of the club. The student does not need to be a club officer but should be able to provide a knowledgeable report and can address questions. 

Community Service 

  • A community service event is a planned activity organized and executed by a CWI club with the primary purpose of benefiting the local community or a specific group in need. These events should address a community issue, promote civic engagement, and enhance the well-being of those involved. For details on what counts and does not count as community service, please refer to the following section: Requesting Events – Fundraisers & Community Service 

Official Event

  • An official event is an event that has been requested and approved by Student Engagement prior to the event taking place. 

 Excused Absences 

  • Excused Absences are defined as an email club report submitted to prior to the Student Leadership Circle. Failure to submit club report for an excused absence will result in impact to club tier standing. 

Club Recognition 

  • Clubs become recognized annually by ASCWI following the submission of a complete club application and confirmation from Student Engagement on eligibility. These will take place at Senate meetings.  

  • Clubs will be scheduled to present at an ASCWI Senate meeting to address the following questions: 

    • Is your club new or a renewal of a previously existing club?  

    • What is the purpose of your club? What do you hope to achieve by forming this club?   

    • Who are the members of your club? What are their interests and goals?    

    • What activities do you plan to hold? How will your club benefit the student body?    

    • How will you promote your club? How will you reach out to potential members?    

    • What are your plans for sustainability? How will you ensure that your club remains active in the long term?   

    • What are your club's policies on membership? What do students have to do to be considered active members? To run for an officer position?  

    • How will you handle conflicts within the club?    

    • What are your club's financial goals?    

Student Leadership Circle 

  • SLC stands for Student Leadership Circle. This is where a student representative will present a Club Report to ASCWI and other club leaders. Student Leadership Circles happen on the first Thursday of every month. There will also be a report on ASCWI’s Club Budget by the Treasurer. 

Club Report 

  • A club report will be given by a student representative at every Student Leadership Circle. Each club will provide their own report. The student representative will answer the following questions: 

    • What events did you host last month (if applicable)? How many students attended? Would you consider your event successful? 

    • What events have been approved for this month (if applicable)? Do you have any event planning in progress for this month? 

    • Any other club updates (officer changes, meeting changes, etc.) 

    • Are you satisfied with your Club Tier? 

  • Club reports can be provided in person, via Zoom, or via email. If a report is provided via email, it counts as an excused absence.  

  • All club representatives are expected to stay through the duration of the meeting. 

Unexcused Absence 

  • An unexcused absence is when there is no club representative at the Student Leadership Circle meeting and no email report provided prior to the Student Leadership Circle meeting.