Bert's Alerts—Sept. 25, 2020
In the Spotlight

It’s harvest time for CWI’s Campus Garden! Nearly 400 pounds of fresh produce was harvested from the garden this week and distributed to students. Additionally, 80 dinners will be distributed from the garden this evening as part of this year’s Farm to Fork event. Thank you to all who made this year’s garden and the event a success!
News Highlights
CWI Employee Email Accounts
The College has received a number of comments about various email signatures, sayings, and quotes many are using on their accounts. As a reminder to all, your account is a College email account, designed for exclusive use for College business and correspondence. It is also a timely reminder as our national conversation landscape escalates with a focus on the presidential election in November. We must be guided by our policy IT-120 which clearly outlines allowed uses and parameters for College accounts.
Please take time to review your email account to make sure it is not tied to any personal beliefs, political interest, or any other statements and/or quotes.
The College is providing employees with an updated template to use for your official, CWI email signature. In addition, a graphic file of our current campaign of Be Safe, Be Mighty is included as an option. Please update your email signature as soon as possible, and help others by reminding them to do so as well. This helps to remind each of us to stay diligent in our efforts to abide by the protocols adopted by the College to ensure the safest work environment for each other and for our students. A CWI Zoom background has also been created.
Please refer to the email sent to all employees from Mark Browning, Vice President of College Relations, on Thursday, Sept. 24, for the email and zoom templates as well as instructions for each. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to College Relations at or 208.562.2222.
Celebrate Latinx Heritage with CWI
Join College of Western Idaho virtually in celebration of the histories, cultures, and contributions of those whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America during Latinx Heritage Month Week, Sept. 28 – Oct. 1.
Monday, Sept. 28
Documentary: "Which Way Home"
Tuesday, Sept. 29
Documentary Series: "Stop", "Ode to Pablo", and "Ingrid Silvia"
Wednesday, Sept. 30
Keynote Speaker: Rey Acuna, Project Director, Cougs Rise, Washington State University
"Historias de mi Padre: Lessons in Masculinity from an Imperfect and Loving Man"
Thursday, Oct. 1
Documentary: "Inocente"
View the complete schedule and find links to join each virtual event by visiting Latinx Heritage Month Week site linked below. Email Latinx Student Services with any questions at
Opening Doors Online Auction Begins Sept. 30
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) Foundation's 2020 Opening Doors Virtual Benefit Event will feature a live, virtual event, Oct. 7, on the CWI Facebook page as well as an online auction.
The online auction, set to run Wednesday, Sept. 30, through Wednesday, Oct. 14, has more auction items than ever before including:
- concert tickets
- passes to Sun Valley and Bogus Basin
- a Traeger Grill Pro package
- family experiences, and more!
Register today to be entered to win prizes and be among the first to learn about auction items as they are added. Giveaway winners will be announced during our special, live Facebook event. Proceeds from this year’s event and auction benefit scholarships for CWI students and help open doors to education and the future.
October Wellness Challenge: Mindfulness and Yoga
Sign up to participate in October’s Employee Wellness Challenge, Mindfulness and Yoga, by Thursday, Oct. 1! As a participant of this challenge, your goal will be to focus a minimum of 10 minutes per day doing either yoga or a mindfulness practice for 21 days, Oct. 1 – 21.
Visit the Culture and Employee Engagement Committee (CEEC) site on myCWI for all the details including how to sign up, participation requirements, tracking resources, submission instructions, valuable tips, and more.
As an added bonus, CWI has partnered with 2C Yoga in Nampa for October’s challenge to provide 15-minute, virtual meditation and yoga sessions as well as an opportunity to access a month of virtual yoga classes at a discounted rate. Additional information about each of these offers as well as how to register can also be found on the CEEC site.
Participation for this challenge must be submitted by Saturday, Oct. 31, for your chance to win some awesome prizes! Prizes include yoga practice packages (including mat, block, straps, towel, and carrying strap), gift certificates, and mindfulness coloring books.
Remember, for each 21-day challenge you participate in you get one entry for the grand prize drawings at the end of April. Grand prizes include Apple AirPods, Garmin watches, gift certificates, and more!
Fall 2020 Virtual Transfer Fair
Join us for College of Western Idaho’s Fall 2020 Virtual Transfer Fair Tuesday, Oct. 6! College and university representatives will be available online, via Zoom, to discuss programs, majors, and transfer requirements. Students are invited to drop in at any time between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Contact Brittney Hernandez in Student Advising and Success at with questions.
HR Updates
Employment Opportunities
The following positions at the College have been posted recently. Employees can access Internal Job Postings or visit Careers at CWI to view all external listings. Upon application submittal, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email, check your "Junk/Spam" folder, then email to verify receipt of your application.
Note: This is the official communication newsletter for the College. Content is driven by contributions gathered from all areas of CWI. If you have news you would like to submit for this, please use a Marketing Help Desk ticket.