
With the guidance of Faculty Senate, the focus of this committee is on advocating for the needs of adjunct faculty members at College of Western Idaho. The Adjunct Committee reviews and proposes Senate and Administrative actions that affect adjunct interests in creating an equitable work environment. The committee may also act as a liaison to or collaborate with other parts of the college. The committee will form sub-committees sanctioned by Faculty Senate to address specific issues as they arise.

  1. Organization
    1. Membership: The committee will be made of at least two, elected Adjunct Co-Chairs who serve as Faculty Senate At Large members. Additional adjunct members will be recruited by Co-Chairs, Faculty Senators, and department/school leadership. Adjuncts not recruited by institutional representatives are also welcome.
    2. Terms of service: Adjunct Co-Chairs serve two-year alternating terms. At the end of the two-year term, Co-Chairs are eligible to stand for reelection if they so choose. Additional members of the committee and working sub-committees serve on a volunteer basis.
    3. Selection of members: Two at-large Co-Chairs will be elected in accordance with the Faculty Senate election cycles. All other members are volunteers. 10-15 volunteer members is ideal for subcommittee work and monthly input.
    4. Organization/hierarchy: The co-chairs of the Adjunct committee will be At Large members of the Faculty Senate. The Co-Chairs will organize meetings and report to Senate.
      1. Two elected Members will serve as Co-Chairs
      2. If there are additional members, those members of the Adjunct Committee will elect, within the committee, one member to serve as Secretary.
  2. Reporting
    1. Method of reporting to senate: The Co-Chairs will send a brief monthly update to the Faculty Senate President one week prior to each meeting. The update will be added to the Senate minutes. If the committee has business to be discussed by the Senate, the chair will send as a separate request one week prior to the meeting.
      1. All adjunct faculty members at CWI can direct issues or concerns to any adjunct committee member. Concerns and ideas that arise in the committee will be presented to the Faculty Senate.
      2. Faculty Senate will direct the Adjunct Committee to address issues and concerns as needed.
    2. Required report content: Monthly reports will contain information on current projects, upcoming issues, and recent decisions.
      1. All members of the Adjunct Committee are expected to represent the concerns of the respective departments and to report back to the respective departments any information shared among the Adjunct Committee.
    3. This information is to be confidential and, if need be, anonymous so as to protect individual concerns. This information is also to be kept confidential until Faculty Senate representatives deem otherwise, so as to protect the process of ongoing projects.
      Co-Chairs will be responsible for periodically communicating with the full set of adjuncts on issues of widespread interest.
  3. Operating Procedures
    1. Frequency of meetings: The committee will meet monthly or as needed.
    2. Methods of meeting: Meetings will be in person or via video conference.

All Standing Committees except the Election Committee shall include a Faculty Senate member. It shall be the responsibility of each committee chair to assemble its members from the general faculty body. Each committee is responsible to the Faculty Senate. All recommendations made by the standing committees will be reviewed by the Faculty Senate before any action is taken. The Senate President (in consultation with the Senate as appropriate) may veto or dismiss any chair or member of standing or ad hoc committees.