This Fall 2024 – Spring 2027 Faculty Handbook is not a contract of employment and is not intended to supersede any provisions of the College of Western Idaho (CWI) policy manual as it relates to your status as an employee of the College. All provisions of this handbook shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with this paragraph, and in the event of any irreconcilable inconsistencies, the terms of the CWI Policies and Procedures Manual shall prevail.

This is a digital copy of the official Faculty Handbook. The official Faculty Handbook is held by Faculty Senate. For questions regarding the handbook, please contact the Faculty Senate President.


The CWI Faculty Handbook is an important part of the Participatory Governance structure at CWI. The purpose of this handbook is to clarify the roles, responsibilities, and rights of faculty members at the College. This handbook is maintained and approved by the Faculty Senate of CWI, with final approval from the College Provost. The Faculty Handbook is reviewed and revised every three academic years, with the next revision date in 2027.

Other important resources for faculty include the College's Board Governance Policies, Policies and Procedure Manual, Instruction Policies, Faculty Rank and Promotion, and the Student Handbook. The Policies and Procedure Manual contains all established institutional policies. CWI's Instruction Policies include answers, instructions, and/or links to the most frequently asked questions about day-to-day administrative and instructional information needed by new and returning faculty. The Faculty Rank and Promotion handbook contains information about how to conduct evaluations and apply for promotion. The Student Handbook contains policies governing student behavior, including corrective action and grade appeals.

In the event that any of these documents is in conflict with the Board Governance Policies and the Policy and Procedure Manual, the Board Governance Policies and Policy and Procedures Manual will be the correct standard. In case of conflict between the remaining documents, the bodies responsible for each document will collaborate to resolve the conflicting information.

Section 2 covers the standards faculty can expect to encounter at CWI. Topics include academic freedom, intellectual property.

Section 3 covers employment status as it relates to the type of faculty position, contracts, terms of employment, leave, faculty honors, and employment standards.

Section 4 covers faculty responsibilities related to standards and workload.

Section 5 covers instruction management like course planning, reporting attendance, canceling of class, schedules, classroom environment, and teaching resources.

Section 6 covers information about how faculty are evaluated.

Section 7 covers information about how faculty are promoted and achieve rank.


The purpose of this document is three-fold. First, this document is designed to assist the College of Western Idaho Faculty Promotion Committee in the review of portfolios in aiding alignment of rank with work, activities, and impact. Second, this document serves...