College of Western Idaho is proud to compete in SkillsUSA, a nationwide organization seeking to improve the quality of our nation's future skilled workforce through personal, workplace, and technical skills training. Students join thousands from across the nation to compete in a wide-range of events at a state and national level from preparing a speech to demonstrating technical skills in welding or information technology. SkillsUSA offers a place to connect with those sharing common interests, gain work experience, showcase your talents in front of peers, instructors, advisors, and potential employers. 


Photo of Kelly McDaid
Manager II, Lab Materials, Industry, Engineering, Trades

Club News

College students pose for a group photo wearing medals that were won during a competition.

College of Western Idaho brought home 26 medals from the 2024 SkillsUSA Idaho State Leadership and Skills Conference.

SkillsUSA CWI 2023 team at Nationals

Ten College of Western Idaho students took their talents to the 2023 Skills USA National Leadership and Skills Conference and brought home five medals.

Phillip Coltrin, SkillsUSA gold medal recipient

Congratulations to CWI's SkillsUSA competitors who earned 13 medals at the SkillsUSA Idaho State Leadership and Skills Conference. 

After spending 15 years raising children, Crystal decided to focus on her education.

"Because of CWI, I am able to work in a field that I love!”

Three SkillsUSA students with their awards

CWI swept away the competition with 37 medals at this year's SkillsUSA State Conference.

SkillsUSA students with their awards

A group of CWI students and recent graduates also won medals in a school record five events.