Students may use the following procedures to formally question the application of any College regulation, rule, policy, requirement, or procedure not otherwise covered by a more specific policy or procedure as outlined above. 

Step One:

The student should meet with the staff or instructor concerned to discuss the complaint and to attempt to arrive at a solution. This meeting should occur no later than ten business days after the action, which resulted in the complaint.

Step Two:

If the student’s complaint is not resolved at Step One, the student must, within ten business days of the Step One meeting, submit a written complaint to the next level in the supervisor of the staff or instructor involved. The complaint must be signed and dated by the student, or sent from an official CWI student email account. The name and title of the person to whom the request should be addressed can be obtained from the employee in Step One. 

If the student’s issue cannot be resolved by the Step Two administrator by telephone call or email correspondence, the supervisor shall make a reasonable effort to arrange for a meeting with the student and the employee within ten business days from the date that the request is received. If this timeframe cannot be met, the Step Two administrator will notify all parties in writing and determine a mutually agreeable time. The meeting should be informal, with a candid discussion of the problem in an attempt to find a solution. The Step Two administrator may give an oral decision at the close of the meeting, or they may choose to take the matter under advisement. Typically, the Step Two administrator will render a final decision within ten business days, informing all parties of the decision. 

Step Three:

If the student wishes to appeal the Step Two decision, they may appeal to the next level supervisor in the administrative structure of the College within ten business days from the date of the Step Two written decision. The student may obtain from the employee in Step One or Step Two the name and title of the person to whom the request should be addressed.

The appeal must be in writing, signed, dated, and sent from an official CWI student email account. Upon receiving this written appeal, the Step Three administrator will review all information concerning the complaint and appeal and render a written decision within ten business days from the date of receipt of the appeal. The Step Three administrator’s decision is final. 

In all cases, if the final decision requires any change to an official record of the College, the College employee must comply with all College regulations and procedures necessary to accomplish the change.