Physical Therapist Assistant Application Steps
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The Physical Therapist Assistant program at College of Western Idaho (CWI) is part of the Idaho Consortium for Physical Therapist Assistant Education (ICPTAE). Admission into the program is competitive and requires a supplemental application process as outlined below.
For a copy of the Physical Therapist Assistant Student Handbook, please contact Lynne Roberts.
Program Application Period
Fall 2025
- Applications open on March 24.
1. Apply to CWI
- Apply to CWI.
- Choose Physical Therapist Assistant as your major.
- Be admitted as a student, and complete next steps on the Student Checklist for Success.
2. Complete Prerequisite & Corequisite Classes
Grades for completed prerequisite and corequisite classes will be reported on your application.
- Classes must have been completed within the last seven (7) years.
- The seven-year requirement for lab sciences may be waived by demonstrating completion of relevant coursework or work experience.
- Classes repeated more than two (2) times will not be awarded application points.
- Current CWI students may view their progress in Student Planning or meet with their advisor to discuss options.
- If you have completed a bachelor’s or master’s degree, please submit a Bachelor’s Degree Transfer Credit Request Form.
Associate of Applied Science Degree Plan
Prerequisite Classes
To be eligible to apply for the Physical Therapist Assistant program, you must complete the following prerequisite classes with a C or higher:
- BIOL 227/227L Human Anatomy & Physiology I
- ENGL 101 Writing & Rhetoric I
- HLTH 101 Medical Terminology
- GEM 3: Mathematical Ways of Knowing
While not required for entry into the Physical Therapist Assistant program, completion of the following classes with a C or higher can increase your ranking points on your application.
- BIOL 228/228L Human Anatomy & Physiology II
- COMM 101 Fundamentals of Communication
- PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology
- Classes must have been completed within the last seven (7) years.
3. Verify Receipt of Transcripts
Official college and military transcripts must be received by One Stop Student Services prior to submitting your application.
- It is your responsibility to confirm your official transcripts are complete, up-to-date, and available for evaluation purposes.
- Transcripts are required only if you have taken classes or transferring credits from a college other than CWI.
- Transcripts received during the application period may not be evaluated until after the application deadline.
4. Obtain References
As part of your application, you will be asked to provide two (2) references.
- References may be completed by a Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant, healthcare provider, professor, instructor, advisor, or employer.
- You will complete the first page of the reference forms.
- Each of your chosen references will then complete pages 2 – 3 of the form.
- Please provide each reference with an addressed, stamped envelope so the completed form can be easily mailed to One Stop Student Services.
5. Complete Clinical Hours
A minimum of 16 hours of observation in a physical therapy clinical setting must be completed prior to applying.
- Hours must be under supervision of a Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant.
- Documentation from each clinical site will be submitted with your application and must:
- be on the facility's formal letterhead
- have the number of hours recorded
- be signed and dated by the supervising Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant.
- Individuals who currently work or have previously worked in a physical therapy setting may submit a letter with the same criteria.
6. Apply to the Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Upon completion of Steps 1 – 5, you are now ready to officially apply to the Physical Therapist Assistant program.
- Your completed and signed application, along with any required materials, should be sealed in an envelope and submitted to One Stop Student Services in-person or by mail by the deadline.
- Please write your full name and Physical Therapist Assistant Program Application on the envelope.
- Do not staple any of the documents within your application.
- Only complete applications will be considered.
- Make and keep a copy of all application materials you submit.
- Additional materials or additions to your application will not be accepted upon submission.
- Each fall, 14 students are admitted into the program.
- Applicants must reapply each semester.
7. Complete Asynchronous Interview
Following the application deadline, eligible applicants will complete an asynchronous interview.
- Each applicant will be emailed a Flipgrid link and access code.
- Applicants will have three (3) days to record a two-minute response to four (4) interview questions and to ask the program any relevant questions.