Yvonne Petain

Photo of Yvonne Petain
Executive Assistant

Prior to my new position with CWI, I was the Executive Assistant to the Idaho State Controller for the past few years. Originally from New Jersey, I joined the Air Force after high school and started my career as a cost analyst for the base comptroller.  During this time, I attended the Community College of the Air Force, so I know the value of higher education.  After active duty, I went into the USAF Reserves and completed over 20 years of service. Prior to moving to Idaho, I worked for the Federal Government as protocol officer for the commander of U.S. THIRD Fleet for 11 years handling special events, hosting visiting dignitaries, and working with the State Department and numerous embassies of over 30 different countries. If you have ever seen the movie “Battleship”, starring Liam Neeson, his character was based on the 3-Star Admiral I supported. It was an exciting job with many unique experiences!

I enjoy traveling, gardening, and spending time with my pets,  I have a little chihuahua and 2 hairless sphynx cats that keep me very busy.