Natalie Watson

Photo of Natalie Watson
Faculty - Adjunct

Natalie Watson has been teaching philosophy and religious studies for a few years. She loves these subjects because they deal with issues everyone contemplates from time to time, and analyzing different opinions builds better understanding; however, we often lack an organized format in which to discuss philosophical issues (for example, people think you are a major “downer” or "buzz kill" if you talk about death at a party or "too deep/serious/intense" if you contemplate the "deeper" aspects of life and want to have a more meaningful conversation). She welcomes the opportunity to discuss various philosophical and religious issues with you. 

Originally from Tennessee Natalie moved to Boise to teach here at CWI! In addition to teaching, she has worked for local and state government agencies in Tennessee, at an in-patient psychiatric hospital, and (still) as a freelance artist. Natalie has two Bachelor of Science degrees from the University of North Alabama. Her graduate education was completed at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where she was a Religious Studies major. In a past life she played basketball in college. She still enjoys playing from time to time and also enjoys art, music, and her 10 & 5 year old Shar Peis!