Lisa Culp

Photo of Lisa Culp
Faculty - Adjunct
Room: APIN 1222

My son Peter, who is a coach and teacher here in the Boise School District, was thrilled to hear that I was hired at CWI.  His words were, “Mom, you will be teaching many of my students coming out of high school and we have heard such good things about the instructors, students, and services at CWI”. High praise for the College of Western Idaho!

It is indeed wonderful to be back in Idaho after pursuing teaching and training opportunities in Montana and Tahoe for the past eight years. I am so thrilled to be joining the wonderful team in the Social Sciences Division as an Instructor of Psychology for CWI!

My background is in non-profit leadership, academic teaching, leadership training and organizational consulting.  I hope to bring real-world examples and scenarios to CWI students through those experiences.

I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Youth Recreation, a Master’s degree in FCS (Human Development & Behavior), an Educational Specialist 7th year graduate degree in Adult & Organizational Learning and Leadership and a minor in Organizational Communication from the University of Idaho in Moscow.

 Because of the diversity of these degrees, I look forward to teaching a mix of classes for the Social Sciences Division, beginning this fall semester with two (2) sections of Psych 140: Human Relations for Success and two (2) sections of Psych 201: Child & Adolescent Development. 

I am in APIN 1222 - so please stop by to say hello!