CWI News—Feb. 18, 2022
In the Spotlight

Andrea Schumaker, Department Chair of Agricultural Sciences, right, served as a panelist during Nampa Chamber of Commerce’s eighth-annual Ag Forum this week hosted at the Ford Idaho Center. Alongside panelists, Michelle Gooding, President of Idaho Hop Growers, and Moya Dolsby, of the Idaho Wine Commission, Schumaker highlighted the importance agriculture plays in our community.
President's Message
As I continue to meet with stakeholders in our community, I constantly think about the phenomenal work all of you do to support the College’s ability to empower students and change lives in our community. I frequently mention ‘My Why for CWI’ during these interactions.
I believe the real value of higher education lives in the work all of you do every day and the mission community colleges serve. Delivering high-quality, affordable, and accessible education, which sets students up for employment and future educational opportunities, is CWI’s primary focus and a mission I wholeheartedly believe in and want to be a part of. In public higher education, our students and our community entrust us to deliver the promise of a better life and social mobility.
I encourage us all to reflect on our ‘Why for CWI’ and our passion to serve students and deliver the skills and training they need to excel in the workforce and life. I hope you would agree with me our shared aim is a commitment to students achieving their goals and celebrating their CWI success.
This week I had the opportunity to attend the Nampa Chamber of Commerce’s Ag Forum and listen to a fantastic panel which included CWI’s Andrea Schumaker, Department Chair for Agricultural Sciences, so please check out the College’s Facebook page to see additional photos from the event.
News Highlights
Summer 2022 Registration
Registration for new, continuing, and returning students for College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Summer 2022 semester is now open! Summer classes begin Monday, June 6.
Summer classes are only eight weeks and earn the same credits as a full Fall or Spring semester class. Students have many reasons for taking summer classes including completing their core classes, getting ahead in their degree plan to graduate early, and allowing them to take fewer classes in the Fall and Spring.
Important Dates
Admission Deadline May 28
Registration Deadline June 3
Classes Start June 6
Continuing and Returning Students
Course offerings can be viewed in SelfService which is accessible through the Toolkit on myCWI.
New Students
New to CWI? New, degree and non-degree seeking students need to apply to CWI prior to registering for classes. Visit Applying to CWI for a complete list of steps to get started.
Non-Degree Seeking
- Upon completion of the application process and once accepted to CWI, new, non-degree seeking students can immediately register for classes.
Degree Seeking
- Upon completion of the application process and once accepted to CWI, new, degree-seeking students must participate in New Student Orientation prior to registering for classes.
Financial Aid
Contact Financial Aid at to learn more about options available for students in need of financial assistance.
Students are encouraged to contact One Stop Student Services or their Student Success Advisor with any questions or concerns. Registration for summer will be open through Friday, June 3.
Register for Summer 2022 Classes
2021-2022 Academic Calendar
Cobb Named Faculty of Distinction for January
Congratulations to Hilary Cobb, College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Faculty of Distinction for January 2022. Cobb is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in practice since completing a master’s degree at Boise State University in 2008. Four semesters ago, she was hired as Adjunct Faculty at CWI to teach Social Work courses.
“I have worked in many different systems such as corrections, child welfare, schools, and outpatient therapy,” said Cobb. “I found I enjoy teaching and mentoring new workers and shifted into teaching and training four years ago. I love integrating my 11+ years of direct practice with research and best practices to make the art of social work come alive for students.”
Students are at the heart of everything Cobb does.
“It can be difficult to put into words what a joy teaching is and why I do it every semester. I love being a social worker and having the opportunity to share and educate students about topics that impact everyone – domestic violence, substance use disorder, homelessness, etc. It is so rewarding. Each semester, my students use what they learn and create amazing tools and presentations designed to increase knowledge and understanding of these complex topics. Regardless of their major, they often say how helpful it was to understand social work-related issues. I have yet to have a semester where I'm not moved to tears by the discussions, reflections and passion for helping others that my students display. That excitement and growth from students who maybe had no idea of what social work and welfare was at the beginning of the semester is why I teach.”
“Hilary is a dependable, reliable, and valued member of the Social Sciences department,” said Department Chair, Jana McCurdy. "Her course materials are well-organized emphasizing student engagement and application. She teaches in a way that is clear and understandable to her students, allowing them to learn theory and apply what they are taught. Hilary is thoughtful, wise, articulate, and professional. I appreciate her dedication and ability to work well with a team.”
“CWI is a really fantastic place,” said Cobb. “I am consistently moved by the beauty of perseverance in our students, staff, and leadership. I love our team. We all work so well together to support each other and our students. Our leadership is connected and compassionate which, I think, creates an educational climate of warmth and support. CWI empowers students to grow into engaged, connected, vocal community members aware of social issues around them and gives them tools to create positive change. I am so inspired and humbled by my students in their pursuit to get an education.”
Cobb has lived in Idaho for 20 years, is married, and has two kids and two rescue dogs. She loves camping, running, reading, binging Netflix shows, and drinking way too much coffee. She is also currently working on her doctorate in social work.
“I am a student, too! Just like my students, most of my free time is spent doing homework.”
Healthy Minds Survey Seeks Student Feedback
Committed to the emotional well-being of its students, College of Western Idaho (CWI) recently partnered with JED Campus in a four-year initiative. As a first step to this strategic collaboration, the College’s current approach to supporting student mental health and wellness will be evaluated.
Beginning Monday, Feb. 21, CWI students will be recieving an email invitation from to take a survey. The Healthy Minds survey will include questions regarding how CWI is currently doing with issues and support related to the mental health and well-being of students.
Students are strongly encouraged to complete the survey. Those who complete the survey by March 22 will be entered for a chance to win one of 75 Amazon gift cards valued from $10 to $50, in addition to a national survey drawing for larger prizes.
Contact Dean of Students, Chad Trisler, at with questions.
Professional Development Opportunity for Employees
Center for Teaching and Learning is excited to welcome Dr. J. Luke Wood as this year’s keynote speaker for College of Western Idaho's (CWI) annual faculty professional development event. All CWI employees, including staff, are invited to participate in this virtual professional development opportunity, via Zoom, on Friday, March 4, from 9 – 11 a.m.
Dr. Wood is Vice President of Student Affairs and Campus Diversity and Dean’s Distinguished Professor of Education at San Diego State University. As the Co-Director of the Community College Equity Assessment Lab (CCEAL), a national research and practice center that partners with community colleges to support their capacity in advancing outcomes for underserved students of color, he will be presenting on "Underserved Students in Community Colleges: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities."
Underserved Students in Community Colleges: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
Friday, March 4
9 – 11 a.m.
Zoom Meeting ID: 978 3572 8368
Passcode: 188332
Presentation Summary: While community colleges have served as the primary pathway to postsecondary education for students who have been historically underrepresented and underserved in education, outcome gaps between these students and their peers persist. Thus, improving student success outcomes for underserved students and closing long-standing equity gaps are essential to meeting the nation’s goal of increasing the proportion of Americans who hold college degrees or certificates. This workshop unpacks societal and institutional factors that influence belonging, welcomeness to engage, and success for underserved students. Institutional actions for serving these students equitably and responsibly will be proposed and discussed.
Contact Casey Brown at with questions or to learn more.
2022 President’s Writing Awards Submissions Now Open
Get paid to do your homework! College of Western Idaho (CWI) students are invited to submit their writing to this annual contest for a chance at publication on the College’s website and a cash prize. First-place winners in each category receive $500, second-place winners receive $350, and third-place winners receive $200.
Submission categories include:
- Fiction
- Poetry
- Creative Nonfiction
- Critical Analysis
- Literature-Based Research
- Original Research
- First-Year Writing
- Workplace Writing
The submission deadline is 11:59 p.m. March 4, 2022. You must be a CWI student to submit, and the writing must have been completed for coursework at CWI. Previously published writing will not be accepted. One submission per category is allowed. Submissions may not be submitted to more than one category.
Visit the President’s Writing Awards webpage for submission link and guidelines. Contact Dave Nicholas at or Heather Schoenherr at with questions.
INBRE Summer Research Opportunity
College of Western Idaho (CWI) is excited to offer paid summer research opportunities for students through the Idaho INBRE Research Program. Students will earn $15 an hour for three weeks of full-time work from July 11 to July 29, 2022. Eight positions are available for CWI students.
The INBRE Scholars program will give students the chance to immerse themselves in scientific research for three weeks. They will delve deeply into the research project and carefully investigate a research question. Students will learn to analyze and interpret the results, and the project will culminate with the design of a scientific poster which will be presented at the INBRE Research Conference in Moscow, Idaho, August 1-4.
Through this process, scholars will develop and utilize quantitative reasoning skills and integrate scholastic learning with many aspects of the project. This program will give students the opportunity to participate in original scientific discovery while furthering their education and having fun!
The application deadline is March 18, 2022. To begin the application process, complete the CWI scholarship application. Contact Dr. Suzanne Oppenheimer at to learn more.
HR Updates
New Hires
Welcome to the following individuals who are new to the College. We are happy to have you here and look forward to working with you!
- Matthew Riniker – STEM Tutor, Tutoring Services
- Robert Hart – Teacher, Law Enforcement
- Sky Tarrant – Tutor, Tutoring Services
- Bill Andrew – Adjunct Faculty, American Sign Language
Employment Opportunities
Employees can access Internal Job Postings or visit Careers at CWI to view all external listings. Upon application submittal, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email, check your "Junk/Spam" folder, then email to verify receipt of your application.
Note: This is the official communication newsletter for the College. Content is driven by contributions gathered from all areas of CWI. If you have news you would like to submit for this, please use a Marketing Help Desk ticket.