Bert's Alerts - May 12, 2017
In the Spotlight

College of Western Idaho (CWI) will celebrate the class of 2017 at this Saturday's commencement ceremony starting at 7 p.m. The event, hosted at Taco Bell Arena in Boise, will recognize degree and certificate graduates, as well as GED completers.
Community members are encouraged to share messages with graduates using #cwigraduation on Twitter and Instagram. Messages will be streamed on screens for graduates to see while preparing for the ceremony.
This year's ceremony will stream through Facebook Live on the CWI Facebook page.
CWI in the News
Eight Idaho death row inmates costing taxpayers millions - KIVI Channel 6 - CWI Faculty Stephanie Breach Interviewed
News Highlights
CWI Art Student Awarded Scholarship
College of Western Idaho (CWI) student, Eva Streicher, was awarded a $500 scholarship and membership by the Treasure Valley Artist Alliance (TVAA) on May 4.
Eva was nominated by CWI Art Instructor, Goran Fazil. Fazil shared, "She is an excellent student who is interested in pursuing her career as an artist and I think that she will be a great asset to TVAA." Eva had two works selected in the juried show which is currently on display at the Nampa Campus Academic Building.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
College of Western Idaho (CWI) hosted its seventh annual Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program this spring as CWI students and alumni joined forces to give back to the community. The college hosted two locations this season and prepared 230 tax returns that equated to nearly $58,000 worth of savings based on average return rate as calculated by the Internal Revenue Service. The student group was led by Applied Accounting Program Chair Michell Boldt and Assistant Professor Joe Welker.
2017 VITA program CWI students:
- Kory Knight
- Jasmine Coonrod
- Deb Golling
- Brandi Koberline
- Haley Ellis
- Andrea Connell
- Rashelle White
- Kayla Young
- Marsha Howard
- Michael Morrison
- Benita Crowe
- Steve Shelly
- Angelina Kassens
- Marcie Pyorre
Celebrating Student Success
College of Western Idaho (CWI) has been sharing stories of success from several of this year’s graduates as we countdown to the 2017 commencement ceremony. The road traveled by students to arrive at CWI and the experiences along their education journey are all amazing and inspiring in their own way. The success stories of students at CWI are never ending, here are just a few stories from our awesome graduates:
Kimmer Jackson – Perfectly Happy Behind the Scenes
Grace Lovera – A Love for Learning
Tom Thompson – Online Student Makes a Difference
Shauna Lileks – Finding Her Passion
Kelsey Wilber – Connection, Involvement, and Opportunity
Michael Morrison – A Jump Start
Jennifer Paulus – Finding Happiness
Remington Grunewald – Discovering the Unexpected
Katherine Fleshman – Becoming a Published Author
La Vera Hutchinson – Chasing a Dream to Find What Matters Most
Each of these stories offer a glimpse into the diversity of individuals and life that exists at CWI, and are only a few of the thousands of amazing success stories of CWI students.
These and other stories can be found on the CWI website in the News Room, and on program and club pages. Check out the discussion and excitement that is following these students through the multiple CWI social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
SCORE Big Scholarship Receives Gift from Idaho Steelheads
CWI Night at the Idaho Steelheads resulted in an awesome gift! Group ticket sales, supported by the CWI community, raised $500! Over 100 hundred individuals filled the CWI section in support of the scholarship at the Idaho Steelheads game on March 30, 2017. Idaho Steelheads Senior Account Executive, Steven Anderson, and Community Relations Director, Brian McCormack, attended a recent CWI Foundation Board Meeting to present the funds.
Thank you all for your support of CWI Night and the SCORE Big Scholarship. Stay tuned for more information on CWI Night at the Boise Hawks, July 26, where another future CWI student will receive a scholarship during the game.
CWI Assessment & Testing Granted NCTA Certification
College of Western Idaho (CWI) Assessment & Testing has been granted National College Testing Association (NCTA) certification. The NCTA certification recognizes the CWI Assessment & Testing locations are evaluated to meet the standards and guidelines for the center and personnel.
Certification delivers students and industry access to a nationally recognized testing center that adheres to best practices, provides testing for distance learning students and organizations, and ensures alignment with other collegiate testing centers.
NCTA Mission:
NCTA is dedicated to the promotion of professionalism and quality in the administration of testing services and programs, including issues relating to test administration, test development, test scoring and assessment. The objectives of the organization are to enhance professional testing practices, offer opportunities for professional development, encourage professional support activities, and advance collaborative efforts among testing professionals, testing companies, and other policy-making agencies.
Employee Appreciation BBQ – Reminder
College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Employee Appreciation Day is next Saturday, May 20! Games, food, music and fun are in store to celebrate the end of another school year and appreciation for the hard work from CWI employees. The event will be from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Nampa Campus Academic Building. The BBQ will occur, rain or shine!
CWI Salsa Contest Winner
College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) first annual Salsa Competition was a spicy, hot, full of flavor event that saw Jeff Flynn from Facilities Management walk away with the Golden Sombrero. The competition was hot and the panel of three judges debated for several minutes over the merits of each submitted salsa. In the end, it was a unanimous decision that Mr. Flynn's salsa reigned supreme.
A special thank you to our three judges, Heather Grayson, Andrea Schumacher and Kellen Willis.
HR Updates
Employment Opportunities
There following postilions have been posted at CWI this week. Employees can access internal job postings by visiting or view all external listings on Jobs are posted as they open throughout the week. Upon application submittal, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email, check your "Junk/Spam" folder, then email to verify receipt of your application.
May 7-13
Media Arts Adjunct Pool
Administrative Assistant I
Teacher, Medical Assistant
Quality and Contract Compliance Analyst
Note: This is the official communication newsletter for the College. Content is driven by contributions gathered from all areas of CWI. If you have news you would like to submit for this, please use a Marketing Help Desk ticket.