Bert's Alerts—Sept. 29, 2017

Dr. Steve Lysne, Assistant Professor of Biology at College of Western Idaho (CWI), speaks during a kickoff event for the Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program Friday, Sept. 29, at Boise State University. CWI and Boise State will share a $1.5 million award from the National Institutes of Health to help underrepresented students pursue the biological sciences.
News Highlights
Message from the President
Dear CWI Community of Faculty & Staff,
I am pleased to announce our employee survey is coming soon. The survey will be distributed Oct. 16-27, 2017, and will be a biennial survey going forward. The last survey was conducted in 2015 and three areas were identified to address by the HR Advisory Committee and then approved by President’s Cabinet, Executive Team, and College Council for action planning. College-wide and department-specific action planning was launched to identify and implement initiatives and programs to address these areas with the goal of improving CWI’s culture and work environment. I’m pleased to report that the college rose to the occasion and diligently addressed the areas of concern. Each department documented steps taken to address the identified areas, and these lists were compiled into a college-wide comprehensive summary, inclusive of implemented key action items over the last two years (please see attached).
As we move forward and look for ways to continuously improve our support of students, employees, and the community; gathering feedback from our employee community is key. I look forward to hearing from each of you about how things are going. Your feedback gives me a better picture of what’s working and possibly what’s not working. This will allow the leadership team to gage if we appropriately addressed the top themes from the 2015 survey and what areas of our college might benefit from change.
I encourage you to please take fifteen minutes to complete the survey when it launches in October. Communication related to the employee survey and how you can participate will be distributed within the next few weeks.
Bert Glandon
President, College of Western Idaho
Alumni Update - Cherri Healea
Cherri Healea, CWI Alumna, 2015
College of Western Idaho (CWI) alumna, Cherri Healea, attended Lincoln Elementary School in Caldwell, Idaho. It was there she met Miss Gray, her third-grade teacher.
“I remember little things about that class,” expressed Cherri. “It gives me lumps in my throat. I think I had her her first year of teaching and, aside from being the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, she was an amazing teacher!”
Third grade was Cherri’s first year in public school. Growing up in a broken, “messed up” family, she described her 8-year-old self as “painfully shy and insecure”. She recalled never feeling very accepted and remembers the pressure she felt to be like everyone else. She said Miss Gray not only helped her feel welcome, but was always there for her.
“Miss Gray was always happy. She always made me feel good about myself. I had never felt that,” admitted Cherri. “I will never forget it. I would go back year, after year, after year to see her because she had such a huge impact in my life, but have since lost touch with her.”
She said it was Miss Gray who instilled within her, at a young age, the desire to become a teacher.
“Miss Gray was the teacher who made me think, ‘Yes, I want to do this. I want to make an impact in peoples’ lives the way she did in mine,’” she said.
As an adult, Cherri spent a number of years working in the automotive industry.
“I always knew in the back of my mind I wanted to be a teacher,” she admitted, “but I dropped out of college right out of high school… I was really mad at myself, but decided to just get on with my life.”
A few years ago, while working in the service department at a car dealership, Cherri felt it was time for a change.
“While I was making amazing money, I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t living my dream. I needed to fulfill that dream,” she said, “to not only make myself happy, but to be a role model for my daughter.”
In 2010, Cherri started taking classes at CWI and the pursuit of her lifelong dream began.
“I had heard through the grapevine classes at CWI were smaller. This was a bonus for me. I needed that one-on-one interaction to optimize my learning experience,” she said. “It turned out to be the best thing I had ever done!”
Going back to school was not easy. Cherri said she basically had to start over as she had not attended school in over 20 years. Starting out with only two classes a semester, she continued to work full-time, raise her daughter, and take care of her husband.
“It was a crazy, busy, amazing, I wouldn’t change it for anything, time in my life!”
During her third semester at CWI, Cherri quit her job at the dealership and took a job working at a preschool.
“It was something I had always wanted to do,” she said. “I knew it was the first step to a long journey. I took that job at the preschool making only eight dollars an hour. I had to give up a lot of things, but I wasn’t scared. I knew in my heart it would work out.”
Cherri completed her Associate of Arts degree in Elementary Education at CWI in 2015. Following her time at CWI, she transferred to Northwest Nazarene University where she completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education and received her Teaching Certificate in 2017. Cherri’s education from start to finish ended up taking her seven years to complete.
“It seems so surreal. I still think about it,” she said. Holy cow! Seven years!! I was in no hurry… the idea was to do well and enjoy the experience and that is what I did!”
Although Healea felt like quitting numerous times along the way, she said her daughter, husband, family members, and friends at church were her biggest cheerleaders.
“Their support drove me to work harder and not give up,” she said. “You don’t know what’s at the end of the road until you travel it. You just have to go and follow that dream and weather the storms... there is a rainbow at the end.”
This past August, her lifelong dream to become a teacher finally became a reality as she began her first year of teaching in a second-grade classroom at Greenhurst Elementary in Nampa.
Cherri looks forward to having a class of her own and a chance to change lives through her teaching. Additionally, she said she is thankful for opportunities along the way that helped lead her to this point.
Sitting in her new classroom, preparing for her young students and her very first year of teaching, she, again, was reminded of the impact of her third-grade class and her beloved teacher, Miss Gray. Cherri hopes someday to have the opportunity to tell Miss Gray of the enormous influence she was in her life.
“Miss Gray, I just want you to know that you are the sole reason I became a teacher,” Cherri said with tears in her eyes. “I hope that I can be only half the teacher that you were to me.”
For an update on this story, watch the 7's Hero story on KTVB.
CWI Conducted Emergency Alert Test on Sept. 29
College of Western Idaho (CWI) conducted a test of its alert notification system, CWI Alerts, to help ensure the CWI community is notified of any potential emergency situations. The test occurred on Sept. 29 at approximately 3:00 p.m. CWI uses Rave Mobile Safety to inform students, employees, and the extended College community of critical situations.
Employees and students are automatically enrolled to receive alerts to their CWI email and any phone numbers provided when joining the College. To ensure the safety of the CWI community and provide timely emergency messages, it is important that current contact information is provided.
CWI partners and friends can sign up to receive alerts by visiting The service is free, but text messaging fees may be charged from cellular providers.
CWI Alerts are only used for critical circumstances including severe weather, snow closures, utility failure, hazardous material spills, violent incidents, and other situations with the potential to affect the health or safety of people on campus. Please email with any questions.
2016 Safety and Security Annual Report
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) Annual Security Report is now available. The report is part of the College’s commitment to safety and security, while complying with the U.S. Department of Education's Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. The most current report is titled “2016 Safety and Security Annual Report”.
The report provides statistics for the previous three calendar years concerning reportable crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-site buildings or property owned or controlled by the College of Western Idaho, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from college property. The policy statements address College of Western Idaho’s policies, procedures, and programs concerning safety and security.
The Annual Security Report is available in print and on the web. You may access the report at /info/campus-and-security-reports. For questions or to request a printed copy, please contact Campus Security at 208. 562.3333., or by email at
Donation Drive to Support CATCH
College of Western Idaho (CWI) will host a two-week long donation drive, Oct. 9-20, to help support Charitable Assistance to Community’s Homeless (CATCH). CATCH works toward by housing and serving families experiencing homelessness, inspiring stable housing, financial independence, and resilience. Donations may include standard household items; a thorough list of donation needs can be found on the CATCH website.
Donation bins will be set up at the following CWI locations:
- Ada County Campus Pintail Center
- Canyon County Center
- Nampa Campus Administration Building
- Micron Center for Professional Technical Education
Please contact CWI Staff Senate at with any questions.
CWI Celebrates Hispanic Heritage
College of Western Idaho (CWI) is celebrating Hispanic Heritage this year with the first annual Semana Cultural. This exciting celebration will start, Sat. Oct. 7, with the return of the Fiesta Cultural event, continue with activities through the week and conclude on Oct. 13.
As part of the National Hispanic Heritage month, Semana Cultural will showcase the diversity of Latin American countries that are represented here in Idaho and recognize the contributions made by Latinos in America. The activities at CWI will highlight and celebrate the history, heritage, and culture through a series of on-campus events.
Activities will include debates, speakers, documentaries, and educational opportunities for the community and students at the CWI Nampa Campus Academic Building from Oct. 9 to 13. Learn more and check out the schedule of events.
On Oct. 7, CWI will kick off the weeklong celebration with the second annual Fiesta Cultural. This year’s event will offer the community a chance to experience, engage, learn, and have fun attending a multi-cultural event. Numerous cultures will be represented in music, dancing, games, art, and demonstrations.
Activities will range in age and interests; there will be something for the entire family to enjoy. Experience folkloric dancing performances, live music, and boxing. Kids will love the piñata workshop and sugar skull art. Enjoy a diverse variety of food from local food trucks and vendors. Learn More about Fiesta Cultural
Fall 2017 Transfer Fair
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) invites you to the Fall 2017 Transfer Fair! College and university representatives will be on campus Tuesday, Oct. 3, to discuss programs, majors, and transfer requirements. Times and locations are listed below.
Tuesday, Oct. 3
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Ada County Campus Pintail Center (APIN)
Student Commons
1360 S. Eagle Flight Way
Boise, ID 83709
12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Nampa Campus Academic Building
1st floor lobby
5500 E. Opportunity Drive
Nampa, ID 83697
For questions, please contact Brittney Hernandez,, or Erica Compton,, in Student Advising and Success.
STEM Out! Event Oct. 14
Mark your calendars — this year’s STEM Out! will be Saturday, Oct. 14!
We need College of Western Idaho students (CWI) to volunteer to make this event a success, so please share this information! Many sixth to ninth graders attend the event to explore CTE careers at CWI. These young scholars need positive role models and CWI students can share how exciting and fun it is to attend college.
We need student volunteers to be group leaders for groups of 10-15 attendees for the day. Remember, volunteering looks great on a resume, scholarship applications, and more.
Go to this website and sign up online! For more information, please contact Annette Grove, Coordinator for the Center for New Directions.
FY18 Annual Work Plan
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) Information Technology (IT) Governance Committees have been working hard to finalize the FY18 Annual Work Plan (AWP) for all IT projects. The AWP was approved in August and work will continue on exciting projects such as the .edu migration for CWI’s website, One Stop check-in, and the online catalog. To find the AWP, go to myCWI < Employee Resources tab < Information Technology Department < FY18 Annual Work Plan icon or by clicking here! This will provide