Message from the President

Published: September 29, 2017

Dear CWI Community of Faculty & Staff,

I am pleased to announce our employee survey is coming soon. The survey will be distributed Oct. 16-27, 2017, and will be a biennial survey going forward. The last survey was conducted in 2015 and three areas were identified to address by the HR Advisory Committee and then approved by President’s Cabinet, Executive Team, and College Council for action planning. College-wide and department-specific action planning was launched to identify and implement initiatives and programs to address these areas with the goal of improving CWI’s culture and work environment. I’m pleased to report that the college rose to the occasion and diligently addressed the areas of concern. Each department documented steps taken to address the identified areas, and these lists were compiled into a college-wide comprehensive summary, inclusive of implemented key action items over the last two years (please see attached).

As we move forward and look for ways to continuously improve our support of students, employees, and the community; gathering feedback from our employee community is key. I look forward to hearing from each of you about how things are going. Your feedback gives me a better picture of what’s working and possibly what’s not working. This will allow the leadership team to gage if we appropriately addressed the top themes from the 2015 survey and what areas of our college might benefit from change. 

I encourage you to please take fifteen minutes to complete the survey when it launches in October. Communication related to the employee survey and how you can participate will be distributed within the next few weeks.


Bert Glandon
President, College of Western Idaho

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