Center for Teaching & Learning

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The Center for Teaching and Learning is dedicated to the development of professional educators. We provide a full calendar of training opportunities intended to support individuals throughout their teaching careers at CWI. We support innovative classroom experiences through intentional distribution of best practices, technology adoption, and the delivery of training opportunities that focus on quality instruction in all learning environments.  

The CTL also provides technical support of faculty within the learning management system and associated technologies. This support creates opportunities for CTL to find new tools and techniques that meet faculty and student needs, while increasing efficiencies in management tasks associated with teaching.  Our goal in the support of technology at CWI is to create opportunities for faculty to focus more time in the thoughtful preparation, and impactful teaching practices linked to the highest student outcomes.


2020-21 Year in Review

515 Faculty & Staff (2050 hours)

Design & Assessment 321 hrs, Online/Hybrid Certifications 128 hrs, and Compliance 395 hrs.       COVID 508 hrs, Inclusive Teaching 355 hrs, and Technology Training 342 hrs.

The Center for Teaching and Learning provides an extensive menu of effective professional development opportunities that increase instructional quality delivered through face-to-face and online group, individual and self-paced modalities. The CTL faculty advisory committee, in conjunction with feedback from the Instructional Deans and Provost, determine the specific focus for annual training events. 

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