Bert's Alerts - June 16, 2017
In the Spotlight

While summer term is in full swing, the Enrollment Team is taking time to tour area partner institutions to build a better awareness of transfer opportunities for CWI students. This past week, the team visited Boise State University’s campus, seen here with Assistant Director Kellen Willis; Melissa Mallory, Tomas Puga, Katie Price, Nikki Houston, and Oster Hernandez.
News Highlights
CWI Explore Event Returns for 2017
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) will host a special event perfect for anyone who has started the admission process at CWI or is just thinking about starting college. In just one day, future students will be able to explore all the opportunities CWI offers as well as complete the enrollment process—from applying to registering for classes.
The Explore CWI event will take place June 21 (Wednesday) from 3 to 6 p.m. at the CWI Micron Center. Extra assistance will be available to help future students complete the steps to become a college student at CWI this fall.
Attendees will be able to:
- Explore starting at CWI
- Tour various locations, classrooms, and labs
- Meet with advisors
- Apply for FREE, be accepted, and register for Fall 2017
- Apply for financial aid
No appointment is needed. Sessions will start throughout the day for future students to join as they walk in. This is a great opportunity for students to do everything in one day. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Wednesday, June 21
3 to 6 p.m.
Nampa Campus - Micron Center for Professional Technical Education
5725 E. Franklin Rd., Nampa – View Map
Recommended items to bring:
- High school transcripts, or official GED transcript, or official college transcripts
- Math/Writing placement:
- ACT or SAT
- Placement exams – CWI Testing and Assessment Centers
- College Math/English transfer credit
- Photo identification
- 2016 Tax Returns for FAFSA completion
If these items are not available for the event, CWI encourages future students to come and advisors will help them through the process.
Applying for financial aid? Check here for a list of items to bring. – Financial aid list
For more information visit
Have questions? Contact the CWI Enrollment team at
Catch the Winning Spirit with the Boise Hawks during CWI Night
Mark your calendars for CWI Night at the Boise Hawks on Wednesday, July 26! The Hawks will battle the Hillsboro Hops as they roll into the second half of their winning season.
CWI is proud to partner with the Boise Hawks for a fun night of baseball and fundraising. During the game, you will have a chance to play Baseball Bingo and one lucky future CWI student will be presented with the employee sponsored, $1,000 SCORE Big Scholarship.
Visit to purchase tickets to the game. Each $15.75 ticket includes a hot dog, soda, and a third-base seat at the game. For each ticket sold, $5 goes toward CWI’s SCORE Big Scholarship. Faculty, staff, student, friends, and family of the CWI Community are encouraged to participate!
Outreach and Advising Co-Present at Regional PNACAC Conference
Katie Price, Outreach Enrollment Advisor, and Erica Compton, Advising and New Student Services Manager, were recently selected to co-present at the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) pre-conference at Boise State University. Their presentation titled, Refugee Students in Idaho: Who Are They and How Can We Help?, was an appropriate addition to the IDEA pre-conference of the Pacific Northwest Association for College Admission Counseling (PNACAC) Regional Conference as its main focus is on underrepresented student populations in college admissions. The PNACAC serves a five-state region. In 2016, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho welcomed over 6,800 refugees to their cities and communities. The purpose of the presentation was to introduce the demographics and history of Idaho’s newest Americans and explore the relationship between navigating the admissions process and supporting the transition into relationship-building with academic advising for refugee students.
The 47 attendees were asked to address the following questions, “How do you identify refugee students on your campus? What student support initiatives would best assist this population? Do you have any initiatives?” Attendees broke up into small groups and discussed these questions. Many groups suggested that the best ways to identify refugee students were to use financial aid information, have students self-disclose (either on the admissions application or essay), connect with high school counselors and support programs like TRiO, or work with community-based organizations, such as the International Rescue Committee.
Attendees did not have any specific refugee-only programming on their campuses. There were many suggestions for support initiatives including the creation of a student mentorship program, scholarship assistance, and cultural competency initiatives. Many schools also suggested connecting refugee students to programs that are already available on campuses that have diversity centers.
Overall, the presentation led to a collaborative discussion on generating new ideas for best practices in assisting our newest Americans.
For more information, please contact Erica Compton or Katie Price
May 2017 Staff of the Month - David Vance
David Vance has been selected as the May 2017 Staff of the Month. David has worked at CWI for almost six and half years as a Facilities Specialist.
David exhibits the core values Caring, Integrity, and Respect. Anyone who has come in contact with him knows he always has a smile on his face. His nomination highlights David as cheerful, trustworthy, and respectful. David “is always willing and happy to help with anything needed. I have asked him for favors such as lifting or moving things and he has always helped.”
The majority of David’s family lives close by, with his mom in Nampa, a sister in Caldwell, and brother in Eagle. Two of his siblings live in southern California which is where David enjoyed body surfing growing up. David has earned several credits in general studies at Boise State University.
Please join in congratulating David on this accomplishment!
Catherine Kyle Named First Writer in Residence
The Cabin is bringing local literature to East Boise! The Cabin has partnered with the City of Boise to invite one local writer a month to activate, engage, and interact with Vox Poplar, a piece of public art created by Janet Zweig for the Library! at Bown Crossing.
The first Writer in Residence will be poet, Catherine Kyle, a full-time instructor in the English Department at College of Western Idaho (CWI). She describes her approach to Vox Poplar as, “Words are adventures that take us somewhere, especially when used to create art”.
Visit The Cabin's website to learn more.
HR Updates
Employment Opportunities
Employees can access internal job postings by visiting or view all external listings on Jobs are posted as they open throughout the week. Upon application submittal, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email, check your "Junk/Spam" folder, then email to verify receipt of your application.
Note: This is the official communication newsletter for the College. Content is driven by contributions gathered from all areas of CWI. If you have news you would like to submit for this, please use a Marketing Help Desk ticket.