Bert's Alerts—Jan. 29, 2021
In the Spotlight

With all of the excitement surrounding CWI’s new logo – Stephen Crumrine, Executive Director of Dual Credit, decided to sport a sticker on his laptop! We would love to see where you put your sticker! Email your photos to, or #beBOLD and share them on social media! Visit myCWI to view the timeline and learn more about the College’s rollout of the new brand for Fall 2021 semester.
News Highlights
CWI Nursing Program Innovates to Increase Capacity
College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Nursing program continues to increase its capacity to meet the incredible demand for training in this crucial healthcare sector.
According to the Idaho Center for Nursing, there is a projected shortage of up to 523 Registered Nurses in the state annually until 2024, as the population continues to grow and the nursing workforce is aging.
“Many nurses in Idaho are reaching retirement age,” said Cathleen Currie, Dean of Health at CWI. “There is a nursing shortage currently, and clearly, the data points to a larger issue in the future.”
To meet the need for more nurses, CWI has invested in state-of-the-art equipment in simulation labs that provide a more dynamic learning environment and allow the College to deliver instruction to more students and assist those students in completing more of their clinicals in the lab. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) allows students to complete 50% of their clinicals in the simulation lab, and the other half working hands-on in the field with physicians and nurses at a medical facility.
However, even with the rapid growth of CWI’s program, only 58 first-year students were accepted for Fall 2020 semester due to limited capacity in clinical placement, faculty numbers, and physical space at the College – leaving 130 other applicants in a holding pattern.
“We have increased our nursing student admission numbers yearly since our first graduating class in 2012,” underscored Currie. “The biggest impediment to increasing program numbers is the growing shortage of clinical opportunities, and more space for classes.”
While increasing class size, CWI continues to focus on delivering high-quality instruction.
With an NCLEX-RN exam pass rate near 90% for graduates from the program, it is proof of its success as an educational leader in the region.
“With support from College administration, we not only are increasing numbers, but we have increased faculty numbers and constructed a new simulation lab to maintain the quality of instruction as we grow,” said Allison Baker, Nursing Department Chair.
Nevertheless, challenges remain for CWI as it continues to innovate and grow this popular program to meet the demand for more nurses in the Treasure Valley.
2021 Connections Project Logo Reveal
Congratulations to Matias Haramoto-Pete, winner of College of Western Idaho’s 2021 Connections Project Logo Contest! Haramoto-Pete's logo submission was chosen out of over 30 entries earning him the $150 prize. His design was chosen for its emphasis on an individual’s journey toward their future. The new logo will be featured in all upcoming Connections Project marketing for 2021.
“Creating art is something I am passionate about,” said Haramoto-Pete. "I didn't think I would be good in art classes because of the type of art we were learning. Sticking to what I knew. in addition to learning new techniques. has pushed me to try different perspective, stop doubting my abilities, and be better. Winning the logo competition has really made me feel like I have a place at CWI, and I can be successful in college.”
The inspiration for Haramoto-Pete's design was connection which is represented with a hand surrounded by various icons.
“For me, our hands are our biggest connection. They connect us to objects and people. In my design, the hand is connected to different symbols representing the connections each of us has available to us.”
Once his design was chosen, Haramoto-Pete was given the opportunity to work Cody Sprague, a Graphic Designer in the College’s College Relations Division. Development included updating icons to relate to education and the addition of an abstract compass icon representing areas of study and guidance available at the College.
Karen Brown, Assistant Professor of Art History and Humanities, helped create the Connections Project logo design competition three years ago. Brown shared this method of choosing a logo “provides a way for students to gain experience and understanding of how marketing works at the College, in addition to some of the complexities of designing a logo and presenting it to the public”.
The logo selection process begins when student submissions are sent through an anonymous jurying process. The jurors consist of members of the Connections Project team including staff, faculty, and students. Once members have chosen their top three or four entries, these votes are pooled together to determine the finalists. The Connections Project team then collaborates with the College’s Relations Creative Team to choose the most viable image.
The Connections Project logo contest provides the opportunity for students, like Haramoto-Pete, to shepherd their design from the initial stages, to a product that will appear on ephemeral objects such as the webpage, as well more permanent ones like posters, programs, and t-shirts. Keep an eye out for future updates regarding this year’s Connections Project.
Student Resource & Involvement Week – Spring 2021
Gear up for success during College of Western Idaho's (CWI) Student Resource and Involvement Week, Feb. 1-5. From Tutoring to mentor programs and student clubs, learn about all the ways we are here to help you be successful.
Students can visit the Resource and Involvement Fair via myCommons on Blackboard to connect with resources and opportunities available at CWI and throughout the Treasure Valley through videos, information, and more on topics including:
- Discover the Essentials
- Find the Support You Need
- Build a Safety Net
- Get Involved and Connected
- Take Action
Be sure to download the CWI mobile app, and follow CWI on social media to learn more about these resources throughout the week. Students who visit the virtual Resource and Involvement Fair and complete the survey will be entered for a daily chance to win a $50 gift card!
Faculty of Distinction – December 2020
Congratulations to Annie Estvold, College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Faculty of Distinction for December 2020. Estvold teaches Social Work, Sociology, and Psychology classes and has been with the College for a year.
“I am so passionate about my field and love sharing it with students who are eager to learn,” Estvold said. “A huge part of my identity is being a social worker. I truly love helping people, and I adore teaching for these reasons. I love seeing my students carry on the skills and knowledge they learn at CWI and apply it in the professional world. I learn so much from them every day allowing my own personal and professional growth to continue.”
Prior to teaching, Estvold spent over a decade practicing in a variety of clinical settings and being active in social justice movements, advocacy, and legislative processes. Along with the completion of a master’s degree in Social Work and as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Estvold invests in her students with passion and expertise.
“CWI empowers students to take control of their lives and education helping them to make changes to their own world and the community at large. I truly have never met a more caring group of people than I have at CWI. Staff and instructors are so invested in each student and work hard to give a personalized experience to each. Our team is adept at working with students who face adversity and helping them succeed despite it. Because of CWI, our community is a better place as our students have experiences and learned caring, compassion, and empathy in addition to a professional skill set.”
Over the past year, Estvold assisted in the creation of a Social Work degree program at the College.
“I have really enjoyed being a part of the process of starting this new program. We identified an educational need for students and worked hard to quickly and efficiently fill that need. We are now offering a customizable associate degree in Social Work designed to help students transfer seamlessly to their program of choice. As part of this program development, I was able to take a group of students to the Capitol for Legislative Advocacy and Education Day where they had the opportunity to learn about key social issues affecting our communities and then meet with their legislators to advocate for policy change. It was an amazing experience and such a joy to watch the students learn and grow so much in one day."
“This program was of high interest to our students and a need in our community,” commented Department Chair of Social Sciences, Jana McCurdy. “Annie worked extremely hard in its creation researching programs, talking to transfer institutions, and clarifying the mission. She generates enthusiasm and works to ensure students are prepared in knowledge and skills to transfer. A capable mentor and guide, she maintains open communication, shares her perspective respectfully, and promotes excellence. She is energetic, enthusiastic, and an excellent ambassador for CWI.”
Estvold grew up in Twin Falls, Idaho, and is very close to her extended Italian family. She and her husband of 12 years recently welcomed triplet boys to their family and have a dog named Freeman and a cat named Conley. Outside of teaching, she enjoys reading and relaxing and recharging in nature by hiking, camping, and snowshoeing.
February Wellness Challenge: Move More
Sign up to participate in February’s Employee Wellness Challenge, Move More, by Sunday, Jan. 31! As a participant of this challenge, your goal will be to do a minimum 15 minutes of intentional exercise each day Feb. 1 – 21. You are welcome to do more than 15 minutes per day, but focus on doing at least some kind of intentional exercise each day for the minimum amount of time.
Visit the Culture and Employee Engagement Committee site on myCWI for all the details including:
- how to sign up
- participation requirements
- tracking resources
- submission information
- valuable tips, information, and resources to get you started
Submit your participation data by Sunday, Feb. 28, for your chance to win some awesome prizes! Prizes include foam rollers and fitness bands.
Remember, for each 21-day challenge in which you submit your participation data, you receive an entry for the grand prize drawings at the end of April (eight possible entries total). Grand prizes include Apple AirPods, Garmin watches, gift certificates, and more!
Mileage Reimbursement Change
College of Western Idaho is adjusting the mileage reimbursement rate for employees following the Internal Revenue Service’s new rate of 56 cents per mile in 2021.
The new rate takes effect on Feb. 1, 2021, and the Business Office has a new Local Mileage form available.
Please direct all questions to the Business Office at
HR Updates
Employment Opportunities
Employees can access Internal Job Postings or visit Careers at CWI to view all external listings. Upon application submittal, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email, check your "Junk/Spam" folder, then email to verify receipt of your application.
Note: This is the official communication newsletter for the College. Content is driven by contributions gathered from all areas of CWI. If you have news you would like to submit for this, please use a Marketing Help Desk ticket.