Bert's Alerts - April 25, 2014
In the Spotlight

The College of Western Idaho (CWI) community took a stand against child abuse, Thursday (April 24), as over 25 students, faculty, and staff joined forces to support the Kiss 103.5 Live for 175 event. As part of this year’s event promoting child abuse prevention, Treasure Valley residents were asked to ride stationary bikes to power a radio remote at the Village in Meridian for 175 hours. The CWI team managed to power eight stationary bikes from 3-5 p.m. Thank you to everyone who joined in the fight and provided a tremendous response for this great cause.
News Highlights
CWI Rolls-out Campaign to Debunk Community College Myths
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) Marketing and Advancement Department is excited to introduce a new video series aimed at debunking community college myths. The 10 videos present misconceptions about community colleges and allow students and faculty an opportunity to set the record straight. Some of the dispelled myths include:
- Community college students could not get into a university
- Employers do not value community college education
- Community college professors are inferior to those at a university
The videos will be an integral part of the 2014 College of What if campaign, which will run throughout the summer. The videos are also integrated into the third-annual $1,000 What if Scholarship contest that is currently running on Facebook. Participants will be voting on their favorite myth video as part of the submission process. To watch the Debunking Community College Myths videos visit The videos are also available to download on myCWI under College Resources>Current Marketing>Videos.
Final Nampa Campus Master Plan Workshops Coming in May
In May, the College of Western Idaho (CWI) will host the final workshops to give CWI students, faculty, staff, and administration an opportunity to provide feedback on the College’s Nampa Campus Master Plan update. The workshops are helping gather input on ways to enhance the campus experience, better serve needs, strengthen connections, and align the College’s future.
CTA Architects and SRG Partnerships, which was selected to complete Phase II of the CWI Nampa Campus Master Plan, will be hosting workshops for CWI students and employees:
Tuesday, May 6
9-11 a.m. and Noon-2 p.m.
Nampa Campus Academic Building, Second Floor Common Area
CTA Architects and SRG Partnerships hosted workshops in March and April and have created Visioning and Assessment Reports that are available to view on myCWI under College Resources>Facilities Management. The reports include feedback from students, staff, education partners, and infrastructure partners.
A presentation of the updated master plan is currently scheduled to take place in June. Please contact Nikki Houston at 562.3545 or for information.
College of Western Idaho to Host Free Concert
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) will welcome the community to its Nampa Campus for a unique musical experience this spring, as the CWI Art Department’s Visiting Artist Program presents a free public concert. CWI will welcome the renowned College of Idaho Langroise Trio to campus:
Friday – April 25
7 p.m.
Nampa Campus Academic Building
The group will be performing the music of Beethoven and Idaho composer Jim Cockey. The free concert is made possible thanks to a grant from the Idaho Commission on the Arts, which is supported by the National Endowment for the Arts.
The CWI Visiting Artist Program is in its third year of existence and features professional artists of state, regional, and national acclaim who visit the College throughout the year for public performances, lectures, and workshops. This event marks the first Visiting Artist Program concert.
"We are thrilled to have the Langroise Trio as our inaugural visiting performing artists,” says CWI Visual and Performing Arts Department Chair, Brenda Fisher. “This is a great way for us to join efforts with the College of Idaho and provide an open and free classical music event for our community."
The College of Idaho Langroise Trio was established in 1991 with a gift from arts patron Gladys Langroise. The group has performed across the United States, including concerts at the Kennedy Center. Artists-in-Residence at The College of Idaho, the Langroise Trio plays an important role in arts education by providing students, educators and professional musicians with the broad education, specialized skills, and diversified experience they will need to become versatile music leaders who will shape our musical and cultural future. The Trio’s mission is to create a culture of mastery through the study of violin, viola, and cello; providing instruction and performance of the highest standard.
Inaugural Solar Viewing Event Coming to CWI
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) Physics and Astronomy Department is excited to welcome the public to campus, May 3, for a solar viewing event at the Nampa Campus Academic Building. The event will mark the first opportunity for the public to utilize CWI’s new solar telescope, which was made possible by a mini-grant from the CWI Foundation and the Department of Physical Sciences.
The solar viewing will take place on the west lawn of the Academic Building at 1 p.m., weather permitting. Come learn about the Sun from CWI Astronomy Instructor, Dr. Irwin Horowitz, and marvel at the views of our home star through this instrument.
Garbology Day to Promote Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) Anthropology and Biology Clubs are teaming up to host Garbology Day, May 1, to raise awareness for proper recycling practices, reducing consumption, and re-purposing rather than disposing of material. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to stop by the Nampa Campus Academic Building east lawn from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. as the clubs seek to raise collective consciousness regarding the current campus recycling program while also promoting sustainable practices and environmental awareness through a “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” theme.
Anthropology Club members will be sorting through two days of trash collected from the Academic Building and determining not only what could have been recycled, but also what is being consumed on campus. Informational posters will provide fast facts and helpful hints on how individuals and households can reduce consumer waste and decrease their carbon-footprint.
Open Mic Night Returns
The College of Western Idaho’s (CWI) Music and Theatre Departments are co-hosting the second CWI Open Mic Night, May 2, at the Nampa Campus Academic Building. The event is scheduled for 5 p.m. in the second floor common area and is open to CWI students, faculty, and staff. The first Open Mic Night was held last November and received rave reviews.
Students will perform theatre monologues, scenes, and music numbers. There will also be a choir performance. The purpose is to provide a live venue for students to experience performing theatre and music in a supportive environment. The event set-up will include a raised platform and keyboard. Snacks will be provided.
For more information please contact the event organizers; Music Faculty, Jeff Davis, and Adjunct Theatre Faculty, Jim Poston.
CWI English Class to Host Poetry Forum
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) English 204 poetry class is hosting a Poetry Forum on Wednesday, April 30, at the Flying M coffeehouse located at 1314 2nd Street S. in Nampa. The event is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. and all faculty and staff are welcome to attend. Students from the class will be reading poems and discussing the poetry shared. All attendees are encouraged to come prepared with poetry by famous poets to share.
Inaugural President’s Writing Award Winners Named
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) English Department has announced the recipients of the inaugural CWI President’s Writing Awards. The annual awards were established to recognize and honor excellence in student writing at CWI, while celebrating the power of the written word—the beauty and necessity of thoughtful communication.
The 2014 President’s Writing Awards Winners are:
Critical Analysis
First Place - Lantz Brown (Faculty, Leslie Jewkes)
Second Place - Austin Kirkham (Faculty, Dave Nicholas)
First Place - Austin Kirkham (Faculty, Stephen Crumrine)
Second Place - Rebecca Evans (Faculty, Stephen Crumrine)
First Place - Chris Grapes (Faculty, Val Kiesig)
Second Place - Kelli Laughlin (Faculty, Val Kiesig)
First Place - Heather Augustine (Faculty, Michelle Fellows)
Second Place - Kelli Wood (Faculty, Paul Berg)
First Place - Chris Grapes (Faculty, Matthew Moorman)
Second Place - Cassie Roundy (Faculty, Matthew Moorman)
College of Western Idaho to Suspend New Enrollment in Culinary Arts Programs until New Location is Secured
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) has announced plans to suspend new enrollment in its Culinary Arts programs until a new facility that includes a modern teaching kitchen to match evolving industry needs is secured.
CWI currently offers two programs, Culinary Arts and Baking and Pastry Arts. Both programs are the last remaining CWI programs located on the Boise State University campus after the final moves of Surgical Technology and Dental Assisting over the summer. A new location has not yet been secured to provide an adequate teaching environment to meet the culinary program needs, and as a result the CWI Board of Trustees has approved a suspension of any new enrollment in the existing Culinary Arts and Baking and Pastry Arts programs effective fall 2014.
"The esteemed faculty of the culinary program and its history on the Boise State campus makes the decision to suspend new enrollments in the programs difficult and full of emotion,” stated CWI President Bert Glandon. “We appreciate our partners at Boise State for the generous support of CWI and continuing to lease us the space beyond the originally agreed timeframe of June 2012. As with most industries, culinary arts is evolving and requiring new technologies to meet industry demands. CWI is hopeful that we can bring the program back in three to five years contingent upon our ability to secure funding for an adequate facility.”
Current students enrolled in the program will NOT be affected as CWI will continue to serve the students who have already started the programs. The location at Boise State and teaching staff will remain intact through December 2015 to support existing students who will be completing the program.
CWI will continue to work closely with local culinary professionals and the community in development of a new facility that fosters a hands-on learning environment and strengthens the future of Culinary Arts. Community members interested in supporting the program are encouraged to contact Will Fanning, Dean of CWI Professional Technical Education,
CWI Spring Fire Drill Results Available
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) Spring semester fire drills have been complete. These fire drills/evacuations are designed to prepare CWI students, faculty, and staff for an organized evacuation in case of a fire or other emergency requiring evacuation. (I25)
The drills were successful as each campus evacuated quickly and efficiently utilizing the evacuation routes specific to their area. The floor captains did an outstanding job of clearing their assigned areas and reporting to the centralized location in a calm and professional manner.
Employees can view results for each CWI location and a sampling of the questions asked on myCWI, located under Faculty Staff Resources>Environmental Safety and Health. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation and participation in this important process.
Employee Giving Update
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) Marketing and Advancement Department will be visiting various campus locations next week in an effort to increase participation for the employee annual giving initiative. The visits are intended to provide opportunities for feedback on how to improve employee annual giving, what areas employees are interested in supporting, and create 'wish lists' from employees. (B6)
Please contact Morriah Marks at or 208.562.3238 with any questions, concerns, or to help with Employee Giving.
Staff Senate Elections Open
The College of Western Idaho (CWI) 2014 Staff Senate elections ballot is open for all benefit eligible staff members. The ballot can be found on the Staff Senate team site on myCWI. To vote, select “Respond to this Survey” under 2014 Staff Senate Elections. Biography information is also available for all of the candidates, which can be found under the 2014 Elections Folder.
Voting will close on April 30. Please email with any questions about the elections or for help viewing the Staff Senate site on myCWI. (N37)
RSVP for Staff Association Breakfast
College of Western Idaho (CWI) Staff Senate is hosting the third annual Staff Association breakfast on Thursday, May 8, from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. at the Nampa Hampton Inn and all benefit eligible staff members are invited. CWI’s administration encourages as many staff members to attend this meeting as possible as paid time, but Staff Senate would like to remind employees that all offices must remain open to serve students, the community, and faculty. Anyone planning to attend is asked to obtain supervisor approval and RSVP online before April 30 at 5 p.m. Attendees can plan to return to work by 10 a.m.
The annual gathering will provide an introduction to the new Staff Senate, a recap of this year’s accomplishments, and allow time for input on next year’s goals. If you have questions that you would like to share anonymously please send them to prior to the meeting. Notes from the meeting will be made available on the Staff Senate team site no later than Friday, May 31, at 5 p.m. See you there!
HR Updates
2014 Employee Survey Results Available
Interested in the 2014 Employee Survey Results? Details from the survey are now available on myCWI at
Watch for future updates in Bert’s Alerts and on myCWI as action plans in response to the survey are implemented. Thanks again for your ideas! (O63)
Resource Fair Reminder
All CWI employees are invited to attend the Resource Fair on Tuesday, April 29, at the Micron Center for Professional Technical Education. The event will be held in room 1701 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Resource Fair brings together representatives from a variety of CWI’s benefits providers and other vendors to provide information and answer questions about products and services. Many vendors will provide giveaways and great door prizes – making this is a fun event you don’t want to miss.
Note: This is the official communication newsletter for the College. Content is driven by contributions gathered from all areas of CWI. If you have news you would like to submit for this, please use a Marketing Help Desk ticket.