CWI Tutoring Achieves New International Tutor Training Certification

Published: June 5, 2024

The Learning Commons is excited to announce that the College of Western Idaho (CWI) Tutoring and Writing Center team has been awarded certification as a Level 2 tutor training program by the internationally recognized College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). CRLA has been a leader in learning assistance and academic support programs for over 30 years and offers more than 2,000 certified training programs worldwide.

Last year alone, CWI served students in almost 9,000 appointments — 1,500 were outsourced to Upswing tutors while our own CWI tutors completed 7,500 — earning a stellar rating of 4.9 out of 5 from students based on their experiences with CWI tutors. Supporting the students we serve, and training tutors with the caliber of expertise to do what they do well, are the brick and mortar in the Learning Commons mission. We dig deeply into how to help students persist and succeed, and we train tutors to set into motion an engaging, impactful support environment that’s made for helping students cross the finish line. With CRLA’s backing, we’re taking student support to the next level.

Tutoring leadership have worked hard to evolve our tutor training program, and obtaining advanced certification was a multi-year process that involved building systems for tutor selection, training, direct service, and evaluation. Designed by our leadership team, CRLA 2 training is comprised of an online course as well as in-person workshops. We cover a range of topics, from multiple teaching strategies to needs assessments and durable skills — a breadth that speaks volumes about the professionalism and expertise CWI’s academic support service is proud to uphold.

"CRLA's standards are high and the certification process is rigorous, so this is a notable achievement!” says Kim Reed, Dean of Learning Commons. “Be sure to high-five any tutoring staff you see on campus.”

Learn more about CWI’s Tutoring Services and the Writing Center at the link below.

Tutoring Services

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