The Faculty Handbook is updated every three years. Changes to the Faculty Handbook are made subject to the following conditions:

  1. All proposed changes by faculty or administration must be submitted in writing by January 15th to the Faculty Senate for review and approval. Approved changes are sent to the Provost for final approval.
  2. The Faculty Senate and Provost must agree on all proposed changes before the Faculty Handbook is modified.
    1. The Faculty Senate approves a proposed change by a simple majority of present members at any regularly scheduled or announced meeting.
    2. Once agreement is reached, the Provost formally approves the changes to the Faculty Handbook. These formal changes are published as addenda to the Faculty Handbook and incorporated in the new Faculty Handbook on a three-year review cycle.
  3. When agreement between the Faculty Senate and Provost is not reached, the proposed change and rationales from the Senate and the Provost detailing acceptance or rejection of the change are sent tothe College President who resolves the disagreement according to the College’s participatory governance model and delivers his decision in writing to the Senate. See also the College of Western Idaho Faculty Handbook, Section 1, Participatory Governance, CWI Governance Policies, and CWI Policy and Procedures Manual.
  4. Changes must be complete and approved by Senate and forwarded to the Provost each year no later than March 31st and approved by the Provost by June 1st. The approved Faculty Handbook must be published no later than July 1st.
  5.  Any changes are published as Addenda to the Faculty Handbook and incorporated as part of the three-year review cycle. The Faculty Senate and Human Resources retain archived copies of the Faculty Handbook for a period of seven years.

Faculty members are encouraged to participate in the participatory governance of CWI and may propose changes and improvements to the Faculty Handbook through the CWI Faculty Senate.