2025 Commencement Ceremony

Friday, May 16
7 p.m.
ExtraMile Arena

Plan to join us for College of Western Idaho's (CWI) 16th commencement ceremony in recognition of this year's degree, certificate, GED, and apprenticeship graduates. In addition to in-person attendance, the ceremony will also be streamed on the College’s website.

Graduate receiving diploma on stage

Graduate Information

Congratulations, graduates — you made it! We are looking forward to celebrating you and your accomplishments during this year's commencement ceremony. 

    Next Steps

    1. Apply for graduation.  See the Academic Calendar for deadlines.
    2. RSVP to attend commencement by April 1.
    3. Purchase your cap and gown, available at the CWI Bookstore beginning the last week of March.

    Stay in the Know

    Graduates are encouraged to check their student email account, the CWI newsroom, the College's social media channels, and the Commencement page regularly for announcements and up-to-date information. Please email registrar@cwi.edu with any questions.

    Commencement — Day-Of Information

    student signing national anthem from center aisle perspective

    Get Involved

    Make this important milestone in your life even more memorable by being part of the 2025 Commencement Ceremony. Share your talents by applying to sing the national anthem.

    Apply to Sing the National Anthem

    Have A Story To Tell?

    We are seeking story ideas for our graduating class of 2025.

    • What is your CWI story?
    • Do you have other family members graduating at the same time, e.g. mother/daughter?
    • Are you a first-generation college graduate?
    • Have you returned to school to get your dream job?
    • Have you overcome major obstacles to receive your degree?

    Email registrar@cwi.edu with your story and contact information. We cannot guarantee we will use every story but will do our best to follow-up. Your story may be used in CWI publications, other campus news media, or in the President’s commencement address.


    Join CWI's growing community of successful alumni. Committed to providing graduates with ongoing support through their continued achievements and milestones, we invite you to stay connected, get involved, give back, and discover resources as you embark on the next chapter of your journey. 

    CWI Alumni

    group of CWI alumni
    students smiling at camera in arena during commencement ceremony

    Past Commencement Ceremonies

    Each year, CWI honors its newest class of graduates during a commencement ceremony. From the College’s first commencement in 2009 held outside the Nampa Campus Academic Building to recognizing the achievements of thousands of graduates in-person and virtually over the past 15 years, these ceremonies mark a significant milestone in our students’ lives.
    Relive the Excitement of Past Commencement Ceremonies


    For questions about commencement, please contact the Registrar's Office at 208.562.3000, or e-mail registrar@cwi.edu

    Graduate News

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