College Prep Math in High School

Smiling girl behind computer

College of Western Idaho's (CWI) Math Solutions Center provides an opportunity for high schools in southern Idaho to offer college prep math classes. 

High schools may partner with CWI beginning Fall 2023 to offer the following college prep math course: 

MATH 097 Introductory Prep Math

(3 credits)

Content: Ratios, Proportions and Percentages, Lines, Exponents and Polynomials, Factoring Polynomials, Quadratic Equations, Relations & Functions, and Rational Expressions and Equations 

Completion of MATH 097 in high school will allow a student at CWI to register for:

  • MATH 098 Advanced Prep Math
  • MATH 143P/142 College Algebra & College Algebra Plus
  • MATH 153 Statistical Reasoning
  • CHEM 101 Introduction to Chemistry
  • ACCT 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting